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Dr. TO Yeuk Hung 杜若鴻博士

Chinese Language Enhancement Programme


LLB (HK), MA (ZhejiangU), PhD (HK)



Rm 719, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese Culture Studies, Classical Shi and Ci Poetry, Modern Creative Writing and Translation, Professional Chinese Teaching, Song Studies

杜若鴻博士,現職香港大學中文學院講師。香港大學法律學士、浙江大學文學碩士、香港大學哲學博士。2003年加入香港大學中文學院漢語中心,曾任副研究總監,專事中華文化研究及普及化等相關行政工作。2018年擔任新加坡國立大學訪問學者。此期間他先後在北京師範大學(珠海)國際華文文學發展研究所、南京師範大學民國舊體文學文化研究所、香港教育大學論語計劃兼任研究員,於香港城巿大學教授文學碩士課程。曾講授的課程有Chin 2123「歷代詩」、Chin 2125「歷代詞」、Chin 2124「專家詩」、Chin 2126「專家詞」、Chin 9522「中國文化專題探討(英文)」、Chin1107「創意與創作」、CBBL9001「商業(法律)中文」等。杜博士已出版專著、論文、翻譯多種,涉獵文、史、哲、藝多個領域,他主要研究興趣在宋學、古典詩詞、創作與翻譯、漢語及實用中文教學方面。


Dr. To Yeuk Hung obtained bachelor degree in laws and doctorate in Chinese studies from the University of Hong Kong. He joined the Chinese Language Center of HKU in 2003. He ever held the functional title as Deputy Research Supervisor and specialized in Chinese culture teaching and research. In 2018, he was the visiting scholar at the National University of Singapore. During this period, Dr. To also served as research-fellow at the Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), Nanjing Normal University and taught a master's degree program at the City University of Hong Kong. The courses he has ever taught include: CHIN 2123 Shi poetry up to the nineteenth century, CHIN 2124 Shi poetry: selected writers, CHIN 2125 Ci poetry up to the nineteenth century, CHIN 2126 Ci poetry: selected writers, CHIN9522 Exploration of major cultural themes across Chinese History (offered in English). His research interests include Chinese culture, creative writing and translation, classical poetry and practical Chinese teaching.