


2018-19 School of Chinese Seminar


A Study on the Definition of Cultural Words in Mandarin by Re-analysing of the Relationship between Word Meaning and Concept


Dr Zhao Ming
Xiamen University


時間Time: 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Friday 25 January 2019
地點Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
演講語言Language: Putonghua 普通話


通過梳理國內外語言學對詞義與概念關係之認識可以發現, 前人對該論題的認識存在一定的誤區。詞義不等同於概念,但詞至少在一個義位上是和概念重合的。概念不是全人類共有的,一些概念是某些民族特有的。從這個角度分析,簡單地界定文化詞為“反映文化的詞”失之偏頗。文化詞實質為共時詞義層面的概念空缺現象。明確文化詞的判定標準對漢語言本體與漢語第二語言教學研究均具有重要意義。本文以普通話文化詞為主要語料論證上述問題。


It seems that there is some misunderstanding about the relationship between word meaning and concept in the literature. This paper argues that word meaning should not be equated with concept, but words meaning coincides with concept in at least one glosseme. Concepts are not universally shared by all humans. Some concepts are peculiar to people of certain nationalities or cultures. Therefore, defining cultural words as “culture-reflecting words” is not appropriate if not correct at all. Cultural words are essential concept vacancies at synchronic semantic level. It is of great theoretical importance and practical value to scientifically define cultural words in Chinese Linguistics as well as in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. This paper discusses the above issues by taking Mandarin cultural words as the main corpus.


趙明,廈門大學中文系助理教授,漢語言文字學/應用語言學專業碩士生導師,主要研究領域為:漢語詞彙學與漢語第二語言教學。主要代表專著為《明清漢語外來詞史研究》、《現代漢語文化詞研究》,在< CASLAR>、《外語教學與研究》等刊物上發表論文20餘篇,主持在研並完成部、省級項目4項,2013年被評為“北京大學第十五屆研究生學術十傑”,2018年入選福建省B類高層次人才。


Dr ZHAO Ming is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Xiamen University. He supervises postgraduates of Chinese Linguistics and Applied Chinese Linguistics. His main research interests are Chinese lexicology and teaching Chinese as a second language. His representative monographs are A Study on the History of Chinese Foreign Words in Ming and Qing Dynasties and A Study on Cultural Words in Modern Chinese. He has published more than 20 papers on linguistic journals. He is currently a leading researcher in a research project funded by China’s Ministry of Education. Till now he has finished three research projects, which were also led by him. When he was a Ph.D. student in 2013, he won the award of Top Ten Academic Postgraduates at Peking University. He was identified as B-level talent by organization department of Fujian province in 2018.


All Are welcome


