紀曉嵐在烏魯木齊 Ji Xiaolan in Urumqi

The Center for the Study of Globalization and Cultures (CSGC), Department of Comparative Literature, and School of Chinese present:
Ji Xiaolan in Urumqi
講者 Speaker: 羅新 教授 Professor Luo Xin (Peking U)
主持人 Moderator: 徐國琦 教授 Professor Xu Guoqi (HKU)
日期時間 Date & Time: May 6, 2014 (Mon) 16:30-18:00pm
語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua
地點 Venue: Room 328, 3/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
摘要 Abstract:
紀曉嵐一生仕途最大的挫折在乾隆三十三年 (1768),因向捲入兩淮鹽政虧空案的姻親盧見曾通風報信,被貶戍烏魯木齊,乾隆三十六年夏才回北京,滯留烏魯木齊兩年多,可能是近千年間中原頂級文人最早有長期西域生活經驗的。這出乎意料的經驗對他的學問有不小的影響,他晚年所著《閱微草堂筆記》有多條涉及西域,我們可藉以了解他在烏魯木齊的經歷和感想聞見。
The Qing writer, official, and intellectual Ji Yun (Ji Xiaolan, 1724-1805) was demoted and exiled to Urumqi in 1768 and lived there for over two years. Though a major setback in Ji's illustrious political career, the experience shaped his scholarship. This talk will focus on many accounts of the Western Regions included in Ji's influential collection of notes and sketches titled “Perceptions from a Thatched Hut,” which he completed in his later years.
講者簡介 About the Speaker:
羅新,北京大學中國古代史研究中心暨歷史學系教授,主要研究領域為中國中古史與北方民族史,學術代表作《內亞淵源》、《黑氈上的北魏皇帝》與《王化與山險 》,近年出版旅行文學《從大都到上都》《月亮照在阿姆河上》和學術隨筆《有所不為的反叛者》,以及歷史非虛構作品《漫長的餘生》。
Luo Xin is Professor of History at Peking University. He has published extensively on Chinese medieval history and the history of northern ethnicities. Major scholarly monographs include “The Origins of Inner Asia,” “The Northern Wei Emperor on the Black Felt,” and “Within or Beyond: An Anthology on Medieval Marches.” Luo's recent books have worked to bridge the boundaries between scholarship and travelogue, and between history and non-fiction.