
In Loving Memory of Professor L.Y. Chiu


In Loving Memory of Professor L.Y. Chiu


It is with great sadness that members of the Faculty of Arts and the School of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong, mourn the passing of Professor L.Y. Chiu, former Dean of Arts and former Head of Department of Chinese (now School of Chinese). We offer our deepest condolences to his family.


Professor Chiu was always closely connected with the Faculty of Arts. As our distinguished alumnus, Professor Chiu held a BA and MA from the Department of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong in the 1960s. Since 1969, he joined his alma mater to teach various subjects in the Department of Chinese, including the history of Ming and Qing dynasty, history of Chinese-western communications, history of political thoughts, and modern literature. During his tenure at the University of Hong Kong, Professor Chiu served as Dean of Arts, Chair Professor, Head of Department of Chinese, and the founding Head of Department of Japanese Studies. Professor Chiu was a renowned scholar of History, who had nurtured various academics in different local and overseas institutions throughout the decades. Professor Chiu retired in 2001, and he was appointed as Emeritus Professor by the University. He had been Honorary Professor in the School of Chinese.


Professor Chiu was dedicated to supporting teaching and research projects within the Faculty and the School of Chinese. He was key in establishing Hsu Long-sing Research Fund, and Louis Cha Fund for the School of Chinese, bringing international scholars to the Faculty to give academic talks and seminars.


Professor Chiu devoted his life as a scholar and an educator. He had inspired several generations of students, and had become widely respected by his fellow academics worldwide. Fully committed to serving Hong Kong over the last five decades, Professor Chiu had made significant contributions to Hong Kong society.


Professor Chiu’s generous contributions to the School of Chinese, the Faculty, the University and Hong Kong will always be remembered.


Details of Professor Chiu’s Funeral Service and Memorial Service:


Funeral Service: 4th July 2019 (Thursday), 6:00 pm
Encoffining Ceremony: 5th July 2019 (Friday), 10:00 am
Venue: Hong Kong Funeral Home, 679 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong


Memorial Service: 31st August 2019 (Saturday), 10:00 am
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, the University of Hong Kong










趙教授畢生從事學術和教育工作,桃李滿門,廣獲海內外先進及同道之敬重;且全心服務香港社會逾五十載, 對社會各界貢獻良多。






設靈:二零一九年七月四日 (星期四) 下午六時

大殮:二零一九年七月五日 (星期五) 上午十時

追思會:二零一九年八月三十一日 (星期六) 上午十時於香港大學黃麗松講堂舉行