
From the Perspective of Contact-induced Changes: Merging of Unrounded and Rounded vowels of Zhēnshè Hékǒu Cognates in Yuè Dialect 解讀臻攝合口字在粵語今讀開合相混的現象: 語言接觸形成的干擾


2021/22 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar




From the Perspective of Contact-induced Changes: 

Merging of Unrounded and Rounded vowels of Zhēnshè Hékǒu Cognates in Yuè Dialect


Speaker: Miss HUI Man Shan

Date & Time: Apr 8, 2022 (Fri) 5:30-6:45pm

Language: Putonghua & Cantonese

Mode of Delivery: 100% Online (via Zoom)


Zoom Meeting Link:



Meeting ID: 917 7167 4507

Password: 963435


臻攝為《廣韻》十六韻攝之一,其合口字在粵語今讀韻母複雜。以廣州話為例,前人曾注意臻攝合口一等舌齒音部份字主元音圓唇,部份不圓唇。臻攝合口一等唇音字亦具相同特徵,諸如“奔”[pɐn1]、“盆”[pʻun2]、“噴(~水)”[pʻɐn5] ,均反映廣州話臻攝合口一等字呈開合相混現象。其他粵方言點古臻攝合口字的今讀格局如何?臻攝合口字今讀開合相混的原因為何?

是次講座旨在描寫及歸納古臻攝合口字在粵語的今讀特點,指出臻攝合口字今讀開合相混為粵語共有現象。結合1) 今粵語常用的臻攝古語詞、2)具臻攝特色的粵語底層詞的讀音,講座提出語言接觸形成的干擾為臻攝合口字在粵語今讀開合相混現象的可能原因。


Zhēnshè is one of the sixteen finals in the Guǎngyùn. The pronunciation of its hékǒu (rounded) cognates is intricate in Yuè Dialect. Previous research on Guangzhou dialect indicated that the main vowel can be either unrounded or rounded in a word of Zhēnshè hékǒu Division I with coronal initial. The same group of words with bilabial initial share the same property, such as [pɐn1] for 奔 ‘to run’, [pʻun2] for 盆 ‘basin’ and [pʻɐn5] for 噴(~水)‘to spray’, reflecting the merging of unrounded and rounded vowels in this group of words in Guangzhou. What are the phenomena in other Yuè Dialect members? And, what is/are the cause(s) of this merging?

This seminar aims to depict and summarize the features of Zhēnshè Hékǒu cognates in Yuè Dialect, pointing out that merging of unrounded and rounded vowels of Zhēnshè Hékǒu cognates is a common characteristic of Yuè Dialect. Considering the phonological features of 1) ancient cognates in Zhēnshè Hékǒu which are commonly used in modern Yuè and 2) the cognates of substratum in Yuè, contact-induced changes could be a possible cause of this merging.



ALL are welcome*


*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.