
School of Chinese
2017 HKU-PKU Summer Course
CHIN1213 Folklore and Modern Chinese Culture (6 credits)
This course explores a series of prominent aspects in Chinese folklore, including myths, folktales, folk songs, costumes, theatrical performances, architecture, folk religions, festivals, and customs that in many ways have affected modern Chinese culture and social life. It introduces influential theories in folklore, literature, and cultural criticisms to help students reflect on the essential features of Chinese folk culture and its persistence through China’s social and political transformations over the past century. The course also provides students experiential learning of traditional and modern folk culture in Beijing area. Activities include visiting folk culture exhibitions, collecting folktales in suburban districts, studying Siheyuan buildings, and watching traditional opera, etc.
This course is one of the 2016-17 “HKU-China 1000 Exchange Scheme” programmes. It is offered by the School of Chinese in collaboration with the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. All lectures, tutorials, and workshops are conducted in PKU campus. The Ministry of Education will allocate a standard rate subsidy to Peking University for expenses in lodging, local transportation, dining, and other related items. The travel will be strictly organized in one group (teachers and students together), and arrangements will be centrally coordinated by the School of Chinese. Students are responsible for the round-trip airfare* and personal expenses. They should also prepare travel documents and life/health insurance for the Mainland trip.
(* Pre-payments will be collected to book group tickets. After the whole trip is finished, half of the airfare will be reimbursed by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong under the Mainland Experience Scheme.)
Priority will be given to Year 1 & Year 2 students in related majors/minors from Faculties of Arts, Education, and Social Sciences. For inquiries, please contact at CHIN1213@hku.hk.
Credits: 6
Duration: 4 – 25 June, 2017 (22 days)
Location: Peking University
Instructors: Dr. Song Gang (HKU); Dr. Chen Lianshan, Dr. Wang Juan, etc. (PKU)
Teaching Language: Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua)
Learning Activities: Lectures, tutorials, workshops, site visits, group projects, term paper
Assessments: 100% coursework (1/4 tutorial performance; 1/4 team work; 1/2 term paper)
Application: Online via SIS during Add/Drop period (Jan. 16-27, 2017)
(* 機票費用必須提前預繳,以辦理團體票。課程結束後,可以申請香港教育局“內地體驗計劃”,報銷一半機票費用。)
學分: 6學分
授課時間: 2017年6月4至25日(22天)
授課地點: 北京大學
授課老師: 宋剛博士(香港大學);陳連山博士、王娟博士等(北京大學)
教學語言: 普通話
教學活動: 講座、導修、工作坊、參觀考察、小組項目、學期論文
評核: 平時分100% (1/4導修;1/4小組工作;1/2論文)