2016/2017 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
Hong Kong in the Song Sources
宮秀秀 Cecile Kung
February 17, 2017 (Friday); 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Cantonese
從鴉片戰爭期間英國外相Lord Palmerston(1784-1865)口中「寸草不生」的小漁港,發展為國際大都會,是多年來令人津津樂道的香港歷史論述。2012年11月至2013年12月期間,在港鐵沙中線土瓜灣站工地出土大量宋、元文物及遺蹟,對這個傳統歷史論述提出了有力的質疑。這些文物跟民間廣泛流傳的宋皇臺傳奇有沒有關連?能否填補香港開埠前失落了的歷史章節?是次演講將引用多項宋代史料,以及最新考古成果,嘗試重塑少為人知的宋代香港歷史面貌。
Evolving from what Lord Palmerston (1784-1865), British foreign secretary during the First Opium War, famously labelled as ‘a barren rock with nary a house upon it’ into an international metropolis has been the favourite story of Hong Kong. This historical narrative has been, however, put to immense challenge by the massive archaeological findings at the construction site of To Kwa Wan station of the MTR Shatin-Central Link from November 2012 to December 2013. Are the recently unearthed cultural relics related in one way or another to the last emperors of the Song Dynasty (976-1279), as told in generations of the local folklores? Can they retrieve a lost chapter of pre-colonial history of Hong Kong? This presentation is an attempt to reconstruct the rarely known history of Hong Kong in the Song Dynasty with extensive references to the Song sources and latest archaeological findings.