
School of Chinese Seminar
Compiling Annals: On the Self-Image in Ke-Zhuang Liu’s “Ci-poetry for Birthday Self-Congratulation”
佘筠珺博士 Dr. Yun Chun SHE
京都立命館大學Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
講座摘要 詞體與流行文化有密切的連結,具有抒情、社交以及娛樂等實用功能;詞人的創作目的從「應歌」到「應社」,甚至成為節慶祝壽的社交餽贈。本文將討論南宋劉克莊「自壽詞」所展現的生平及自我形象,壽詞從「壽他」轉向「自壽」,已成為一種抒情言志的新形式,而「自壽」這樣的宋詞「變體」,正適合劉克莊在新變中張揚自己的狂豪之氣與怨怒之音。
Abstract The style of Ci liaised closely with the popular culture and served practical functions such as sentimental expression, social intercourse and entertainment. However, the purpose of Ci had shifted from creating a convivial atmosphere for gatherings to social activities of, say, poetry clubs. Ci works even became the gifts that poets presented at celebratory feasts. This talk deals with Ke-Zhuang Liu, a renowned poet who flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty, with a special focus on his life and the self-image he manifested in his “Ci-poetry for Birthday Self-Congratulation.” The receivers of Ci-poetry for birthday congratulation had changed from the hosts to the Ci writers themselves, which implied that Ci-poetry had become a new literary form for expressing one’s sentiments and ambitions. This variant of Ci happened to be suitable for Liu to exude his bold and unconstrained temperament as well as to vent his grudges and wrath.
講者簡介 佘筠珺博士,京都立命館大學客員研究員、非常勤講師。畢業於台灣大學中國文學所,曾任教於台灣世新大學,並為科技部海外博士後研究員。學術研究領域為詞學、日本近代漢詩詞。詞學代表著作為《臨場展演與書寫技藝:社交視域下的夢窗詞》,尤其關注在南宋詞的發展變化。日本近代漢詩詞的研究以大正詩人久保天隨為中心,討論清末民初東亞漢詩人的詩詞交流活動。
About the Speaker Dr. Yun-Chun She is currently a visiting research fellow and an adjunct lecturer at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. After earning her PhD in Chinese Literature from National Taiwan University, Dr. She had taught at Shih Hsin University (Taiwan) and worked as an overseas post-doctoral fellow of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan). Her research interests center on Ci study and Chinese Ci-poetry in early modern Japan. Immediate Performance and Writing Artistry: Mengchuang Ci under the Perspective of Socializing is her chef-d’oeuvre with a particular focus on the evolution of Ci in the Southern Song Dynasty. Her research on Chinese Ci-poetry in early modern Japan revolves around the literary exchange among East Asian Chinese poets during the late Qing and early Republic period in general, and the Japanese poet Kubo Tenzui in particular.
All are welcome!