天儒摻和——晚明常熟瞿氏家族之家世考述 Blending Catholicism and Confucianism: A Study of the Qu Family in Changshu in the Late Ming Dynasty

2023/24 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
Blending Catholicism and Confucianism: A Study of the Qu Family in Changshu in the Late Ming Dynasty
Qu Rukui (瞿汝夔) and Qu Shisi (瞿式耜), members of the Qu Family in Changshu, were both well-known in academic circles as first-generation Chinese Catholics. The former had a friendly relationship with Matteo Ricci, one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions, and advised Ricci to abandon the attire of a monk and wear the clothes of a Confucian scholar. The latter had contact with many missionaries to China, including Francesco Brancati, Giulio Aleni, Francesco Sambiasi, etc., and assisted the Southern Ming regime in defeating the Qing soldiers. However, the family backgrounds of the two people are quite controversial in the academic world, and there are constant debates. Rukui was expelled from the family due to "Family changes ". It is difficult to find Rukui's name in visible traditional Chinese documents. Shisi was misunderstood by later generations as the ancestor of the "Qu family in Guli, Changshu (常熟古里瞿氏)". Some people attached the Qu family of Tieqintongjian Library (鐵琴銅劍樓) scribes in the Qing Dynasty to the successor of Shisi. For a long time, academic circles have drawn from different documents to outline the relationship between Rukui and the Qu family in Changshu, and the relationship between Shisi and the Qu family in Guli. However, they ignored the concern of the second-generation Rukui and the third-generation Shisi for their hometown and also ignored the importance of their predecessor Qu Jingchun (景淳)'s success in the imperial examination (科舉) to the continuation of the family’s reputation for future generations. It is mainly because no systematic and in-depth study has been conducted on the family history of the Qu family. Because of this, the study of this article first deals with the family background of the Qu family in Changshu, traces the origin of the Qu family, and analyzes the development profile of the Qu family. It points out that Rukui is a member of the Qu family in Changshu, while the Qu family in Guli does not belong to the same system. Secondly, this article points out that Rukui and Shisi still cared about the family to a great extent before and after they became Catholic believers, and they had a great affection for the family's characters and development. Thirdly, this article will study Jingchun’s success in the imperial examination, and propose that Jingchun was in the heyday of the imperial examination in the Ming Dynasty. He was able to pass the imperial examination and overcome the difficulties in the officialdom. He became the Left Attendant Gentleman (Zuo Shilang, 左侍郎) of the Ministry of Rites. From then on, they became a prominent family. This article will propose that the later generations took advantage of Jingchun’s success. In addition to inheriting Jingchun's "Poetry" studies and participating in the imperial examination, which brought the family to be a well-known imperial examination family (科舉家族), Jingchun's reputation was also used to maintain the family's reputation in ways beyond the imperial examination. As a result, the Qu family in Changshu could eventually become a prominent family in the late Ming Dynasty.