[活動回放]《唯情與理性》的三個版本 Three Versions of the Dialectic of Affect and Reason

School of Chinese Scholar Seminar
Three Versions of the Dialectic of Affect and Reason
Speaker: Prof. PENG Hsiao-yen 彭小妍 教授 (Academia Sinica)
Moderator: Prof. LIN Pei-yin 林姵吟 教授 (HKU)
Prof. CUI Wendong 崔文東 教授 (CUHK)
Dr. YAU Ting Kit Kevin丘庭傑 博士 (CUHK)
Dr. OUYANG Kaibin 歐陽開斌 博士 (Tsinghua U)
Date & Time: June 19, 2024 (Wed) 16:30-18:00pm (HKT)
Language: Putonghua
Venue: CRT-7.30, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Meeting ID: 979 7343 8809
Password: 587721
(This seminar is sponsored by Beijing - Hong Kong Universities Alliance 京港大學聯盟)
According to mainstream studies, the May 4th Movement is often characterized as an enlightenment rationality movement. However, Professor Peng Hsiao-yen takes a different approach to delve into May 4th philosophy and literature by viewing it as a Counter-Enlightenment movement as well. Her groundbreaking study was initially published in traditional Chinese in 2019, followed by an English version in 2023, which garnered significant attention in international academic circles. This year marks the release of a simplified Chinese version in mainland China. Each of the three versions has been subtly adjusted to align with various academic styles, cater to readers' preferences, and navigate censorship regulations.
About the Speaker:
彭小妍 美國哈佛大學比較文學博士,現任中央研究院中國文哲研究所兼任研究員,主要方向為兩岸現代文學與跨文化研究。曾出版專著《超越寫實》、《海上說情欲:從張資平到劉吶鷗》、小說《斷掌順娘》、《純真年代》,主編有《楊逵全集》。
PENG Hsiao-yen is adjunct research fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica. She obtained her PhD degree at Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University. Her fields of research include contemporary Taiwanese literature, modern Chinese literature & transcultural studies.
1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom) with justifications;
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.