中國歷史上的信息渠道 Communication Channels in Chinese History

This lecture is part of the School of Chinese RPg Student Conference on “History, Institutions, and Documents of Imperial China From the 10th to the 13th Century”
Communication Channels in Chinese History
主講嘉賓 Speaker:Prof. Deng Xiaonan 鄧小南教授
主持人 Moderator:Prof. Ming Kin Chu 朱銘堅教授
日期 Date:17 January 2025 (Fri)
時間 Time:10:00am – 11:30am
語言 Language:Putonghua普通話
地點 Venue (UPDATED):KK102 (1/F, K.K. Leung Building, Main Campus, HKU)
This lecture will discuss about the problems of communication channels in imperial China. All the people in different dynasties expressed concerns regarding “information”. Internal and external interactions in history were closely related to all kinds of information. Policies were formulated based on the information, and political and social activities were revolved around the exchange of information. These interactions served as channels for communication between bilateral and multilateral relations. Rulers could never take the importance of collecting, managing, controlling and circulating information slightly. This lecture will explore research methods focusing on events and “news” from ancient times. It will mainly center on official communication channels, figuring out the establishment, operation, and the institutional and cultural factors influencing them.
About the speaker
Deng Xiaonan is one of Boya Chair Professors in Peking University. Her research mainly focuses on the history of Song Dynasty, the history of political institutions and the history of women in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Her renowned scholarly monograph The Ancestors’ Instructions Must Not Change: Political Discourse and Practice in the Song Period, has a wide influence on the study.
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