
日記與小說的相遇——論晚清譯者對「虛構日記」的多元接受 When Diary Meets Fiction: On the Translation of Fictional Diaries in Late Qing China


2024/25 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar



When Diary Meets Fiction: On the Translation of Fictional Diaries in Late Qing China


Speaker: Miss JIANG Jiewei 蔣潔維 (PhD)
Date & Time: February 14, 2025 (Fri) 17:30-18:45pm
Language: Putonghua
Venue: CPD-3.16, Central Podium Level 3, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Mode of Delivery: Face-to-face


日記在中西文學中均歷史悠久。藉由勒菲弗爾(André Lefevere)提出的「改寫」理論,本次講座將從詩學規範的角度,探討晚清譯者對於西方日記文學的接受情況。《巴黎茶花女遺事》(1899)的譯介率先示範了小說和日記這兩種文類的新奇組合,《魯濱孫飄流記》(1905)和《馨兒就學記》(1909)的譯述則呈現了以林紓和包天笑為代表的小說翻譯家對於「虛構日記」的不同改編。林紓借鑒「史傳」的模式,以自傳的形式重寫了魯濱遜荒島求生的日誌,包天笑則運用回憶錄編年的結構來仿寫義大利小學生的學年日記,此二人的譯著提供了以第一人稱回顧性敘事為特徵的日記式小說範本。作為「新名詞」的小說與日記發生碰撞,這不僅呈現出文體翻譯中的協商問題,還為觀察近現代日記觀念的演變提供了新視角。


In both Chinese and Western literature, the diary as a genre has a long-standing tradition. Based on André Lefevere's theory of "rewriting", this talk will focus on the adaptation of Western diary literature by late Qing translators from the perspective of poetic norms. The Chinese translation of La Dame aux camélias (1899) is the first example to combine fiction with diary writing, while Robinson Crusoe (1905) and Little Xin’s Journal about School Life (1909) represent‌ different adaptations of "fictional diaries" by translators in late Qing China. Lin Shu rewrites Robinson Crusoe's journal in the form of an autobiography, whereas Bao Tianxiao employs a memoir structure to imitate an Italian schoolboy's journal. These translations provide a model of diary fiction characterized by first-person retrospective narration. The combination between "xiaoshuo"and "riji" not only reveals the issues of negotiation in literary translation, but also provides a new perspective for observing the evolution of modern diary- keeping concepts.


ALL are welcome*
*NO Pre-registration is requested.