
同學少年都不見——鉤續張愛玲閨蜜的傳奇 Whatever Happened to Fatima? ——An Eileen Chang’s "Character" in Search of a Closure


張愛玲研究新方向講座系列之二十 New Directions in Eileen Chang Studies Lecture Series #20
Co-hosted by School of Chinese and Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Co-sponsored by Louis Cha Fund for Chinese studies & East/West studies in the Faculty
& Center for the Study of Globalization and Culture (CSGC) 



Whatever Happened to Fatima? ——An Eileen Chang’s "Character" in Search of a Closure


分享嘉賓 Speaker:

Mr. LIM Fong Wei 林方偉

(Senior Correspondent at Lianhe Zaobao)


主持人 Moderator:

Prof. Nicole HUANG 黃心村 

(Dept. of Comparative Literature, HKU)


日期時間 Date & Time:  March 26, 2025 (Wed) 16:30-18:00pm (HKT)

語言 Language: Putonghua 普通話 

地點 Venue: CPD-1.24, Central Podium Level 1, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU



摘要 Abstract:

她們的情誼始於港大。回到上海後,張愛玲在孤島文壇一炮而紅,與她形影不離的同校閨蜜,法蒂瑪 · 莫希甸也受到矚目。張愛玲為活潑風趣的法蒂瑪取名“炎櫻”,用生動的筆觸將她寫進自己的文章裏。於是,炎櫻成了一位活色生香的張氏人物,虛虛實實,其知名度不遜於白流蘇、曹七巧等張愛玲所創造的小說人物。然而,兩人赴美後漸行漸遠,炎櫻像是被作者拋棄的一個人物,從張愛玲的文字消失無蹤。恢復法蒂瑪的身分以後,她去了哪兒?張迷研究者林方偉從一個蛛絲馬跡接到下一個線索,鉤出法蒂瑪的行蹤,延續她活色生香的“傳奇”。

Their friendship was a bond forged in The University of Hong Kong. Fatima Mohideen and Eileen Chang were inseparable friends at the height of Chang’s early career in Shanghai. Vividly portrayed and rechristened by Chang as Yanying (炎樱), the vivacious Fatima became a character, as well as a media personality, who was just as, if not more captivating than any of Chang’s renowned fictional characters. However, this changed when they grew apart after moving to the US. Fatima vanished from Chang’s writings, like a character the writer had abandoned. Whatever happened to Fatima? Through meticulous investigation, researcher Lim Fong Wei continued Fatima’s “legend” and found a satisfying closure for one of Chang’s most beloved “characters”.

講者簡介 About the Speaker:


Lim Fong Wei is a senior correspondent at Singapore’s national Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao. He is also a translator, editor, fiction and screenplay writer, and a literary sleuth most interested in the lives and works of Eileen Chang and Liu Yichang, particularly seen through the lens of Malaya. In 2019, his “sleuthing” achieved a breakthrough after a series of discovery of Chang’s mother, Yvonne Whang’s late years in Malaya and the UK.  



1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom) with justifications;

2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;

3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;

4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.


ALL are welcome*

*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.