
「e文獻學」的濫觴——從西安碑林藏金代府學學產碑談起 Digital Philology in Practice: A Study of the Xi’an Stele of Jingzhao Prefectural School Property in the Jin Dynasty


香港大學中文學院  X《香港大學中文學報》 School of Chinese, HKU X HKU Journal of Chinese Studies
名家講壇系列  ∙ 第二講  Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series #2


Digital Philology in Practice: A Study of the Xi’an Stele of Jingzhao Prefectural School Property in the Jin Dynasty


Speaker: Prof. HUANG Yi-long 黃一農 教授
(Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University)
Moderator: Prof. SONG Gang 宋剛 教授
(School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)
Date: 10 April 2025 (Thu)
Time: 16:30pm - 18:00pm (HKT)
Language: Mandarin 普通話/國語
Venue: CRT-4.36, 4/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Mode: Face-to-face & Online



The terms of jian 間 or ban-jian 半間  have been often used in architectural measurement in ancient China. In recent search of databases, I noticed that the Xuxiu Siku quanshu (Supplemental Series for the Complete Library of the Four Treasuries) edition of Lu Zengxiang’s Baqiongshi jinshi buzheng (Supplemental Corrections to Metal and Stone Inscriptions from the Eight-jade Hall) contains an illustration of the 1194 Stele of Jingzhao Prefectural Office of Education at the Xi’an Steles Forest. Notably, the fractional unit of 0.75 jian appears for the first time on the stele inscription about approximately 200 educational properties. By comparing it with a formerly circulated digital version of the Xuxiu Siku quanshu, I found that the PDF version of the illustration contains 119 discrepancies (possibly intentional falsification?). Furthermore, transcriptions of this stele in the DianhaiDiaolongDingxiu, and Shutongwen databases exhibit a range of 76 to 344 erroneous characters. In this Information Age, how should scholars navigate the opportunities and limitations of big data when they confront errors across varied textual sources such as stone carvings, rubbings, illustrations, PDF versions, and databases? This study allows us to refresh our understanding of the fractional jian and zhuo 㭬 measurements in the taxation documents in history.


About the Speaker:



Professor Huang Yi-Long received his Ph.D. in Physics at the Columbia University, U.S.A. He worked as an astronomer before he went to teach in the Institute of History at the Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in 1987. He was elected as an Academician in the Academia Sinica in 2006. He has been conferred as the Chair Professor and the Honorary Professor at Leiden University, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Senior Research Fellow at Chinese National Academy of Arts. His main research areas include History of Chinese Science, China-Europe Cultural Exchanges, Military History, Pseudo-science, and Big Data.

1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom);
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
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