2017/2018 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
Two Types of Mandarin Relative Clauses from a
Case-grammarian Perspective
姚聖 Yao Sheng
October 27 2017 (Friday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
A Mandarin relative clause is usually a “VP+de” modifier that precedes an NP. Zhu朱德熙 (1978;1983) divides such modifiers into two types: if a modifier may refer to the whole “VP+de+NP” phrase alone, e.g. 開車 的(“to drive+de”)=開車 的 人 (“to drive+de+man”, both meaning “one who drives”), it is an S-type modifier; otherwise a T-type modifier, e.g. 開車 的(“to drive+de”)≠開車 的 技術(“to drive+de+technique”, meaning “the technique with which one drives”). His challengers say that whether a modifier can refer to the whole “VP+de+NP” is not quite a syntactic question; its answer changes according to the pragmatic environment. Therefore, they say, the two types need not be divided syntactically. In this talk, I will re-investigate the “VP+de+NP” phrase using a developed case-grammar. With the VP given, each NP is possible to be assigned to a certain “case” or not; furthermore, when the case mark is missing, it is not actually assigned even if it is assignable. The consequence is that when an NP should fall into the cases “agent” or “patient” (typically unmarked), its modifier can be read as either an S-type one or a T-type one, which reveals the source of confusion between the two types.