2017/2018 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
Changing Manhood in Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema
余庭鋒 Yu Ting Fung
December 4, 2017 (Monday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Cantonese
Regarding gender identity as a kind of social construction, geopolitical and economic transformation may affect the social imagination of local men in post-97 Hong Kong cinema. Previous studies indicated that Hong Kong people’s masculinities are mainly valued by their economic superiority based on Hong Kong’s financial success since 1970s. However, after the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, economic upheavals, such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis and outbreak of SARS in 2003, challenged the economic status of Hong Kong, and the construction of Hong Kong masculinities may change accordingly. Meanwhile, the rise of two major ideologies, namely localism and nationalism, also plays a crucial role in forming local people’s identity as well as masculinity. This talk will examine how the post-97 Hong Kong cinema has reflected and contributed to the gendered subjectivity of Hong Kong people in the post-handover society.