
Prof. CHU Ming Kin 朱銘堅教授

Chinese History and Culture Programme

Associate Professor

BSocSc (CityUHK), MA (HK), PhD (Lingnan)



Rm 809, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese Historiography, Middle-period Chinese History (Five Dynasties, Song and Yuan)

日期 標題


“Mobilizing Supporters for the Song Restoration: Narratives and Allusions in the “Empress Dowager’s Letter to Be Promulgated across the Realm””, Journal of Asian History, Vol.55 No.2 (2021),  pp.251-278. https://doi.org/10.13173/jasiahist.55.2.0251


“Life of an Exile: Sun Di’s (1081–1169) Letters Pertaining to His Banishment to Xiangzhou”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol.141 No.3 (Sep. 2021), pp.521-538. https://doi.org/10.7817/jameroriesoci.141.3.0521


“Student Activism and Channels of Political Communication in 1126”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol.83 No.3 (Oct. 2020), pp.449-478. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0041977X20002165


“Is There a Faction in This List?” (co-author, with Hilde DE WEERDT, Brent HO, Allon WAGNER and Jiyan QIAO), “Digital Humanities,” special issue in Journal of Chinese History, Vol.4 No.2 (Jul. 2020), pp.347-389. https://doi.org/10.1017/jch.2020.16


“The Imperial University in the Partisan Maelstrom: An Investigation of the Changes in Personnel at the Imperial University under the Reign of Emperor Zhezong in the Northern Song” (Article in Chinese, titled黨爭漩渦中的太學─—以北宋哲宗朝太學的人事變動為中心作考察), New History Journal新史學, Vol.29 No.2 (Jun. 2018), pp.63-118.


“Indigenous Elite Networks and Mongol Governance in Thirteenth-century North China”, The Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Vol.5 (2018), pp.271-314. http://jas.hkbu.edu.hk/site/YCY/upload/mw_data/file/mw_data_2065_5b4412f8ae05e.pdf


“Pursuing Moral Governance: The Political and Social Implications of the Baxing (Eight Virtues) Scheme in Late Northern Song (960–1127) China”, Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol.66 No.1 (2018), pp.33-70. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02549948.2018.1467096


“Introduction: Letters and Literati Communication during the Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties (10th-13th Century)” (Article in Chinese, titled 導言: 「宋金元時期士人的書信往來與訊息溝通」專輯)(co-author, with Hilde DE WEERDT), Clio at Beida 北大史學, Vol.20 (2016), pp.221-223.


“Literati Network and Communication during the Jin-Yuan Transition: A Study of the Letters to Lü Xun in the Epistolary Writings of the Central Plain” (Article in Chinese, titled金元之際的士人網絡與訊息溝通——以《中州啟劄》內與呂遜的書信為中心), Clio at Beida北大史學, Vol.20 (2016), pp.286-310.


“The Secret of Long Tenure: A Study of Zheng Gangzhong’s Letters to Qin Gui’s Associates”, T’oung Pao, Vol.102 No.1-3 (2016), pp.121-160.


“Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective: A Digital Approach” (co-author, with Hilde DE WEERDT and HO Hou-Ieong), “Empires and Imperialism in Asia,” special issue in Verge: Studies in Global Asias, Vol.2 No.2 (Fall 2016), pp.58-69. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/vergstudglobasia.2.2.0058


“Introduction: The Making of the Literati Notebook” (co-author, with Hilde DE WEERDT), East Asian Publishing and Society, Vol.6 No.1 (2016), pp.1-4.


“Official Recruitment, Imperial Authority, and Bureaucratic Power: The Case of Yu Fan in its context of political intrigue”, Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, Vol.45 (2015), pp.207-238.


“Prosopographical Survey of Lecturers at the Directorate School in Early Northern Song China (960-1050)”, in Proceedings of the First Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 9, 2015, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.1399 (2015), pp.81-84. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1399/paper13.pdf


“The Making of Iconic Disloyalty: The Evolution of Liu Mengyan’s (1219-ca.1295) Image since the Thirteenth Century”, Frontiers of History in China, Vol.10 No.1 (2015), pp.1-37.


“The Development of the Directorate School and Its Political Meaning in the Middle and Late Northern Song” (Article in Chinese, titled北宋中後期國子學的發展及其政治意義), Historical Inquiry 臺大歷史學報, Vol.54 (Dec. 2014), pp.1-45.


“A brief survey of university graduates in 1104 – Supplement to Investigation on the records of Degree Holders in the Song Dynasty” (Article in Chinese, titled崇寧三年貢士小考 -《宋登科記考》增補), in Hui Chun-hing許振興, Choi Sung-hei 蔡崇禧and Leung Sze-lok梁思樂 (ed.), Yan Song er ji 研宋二集 (Xianggang: Xianggang Yan Song xuehui, 2014), pp.117-128.


“The Case of Su Jia in the Northern Song Dynasty” (Article in Chinese, titled北宋太學蘇嘉案考釋), Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報, No.56 (Jan. 2013), pp.143-168.