
Prof. Nicholas Y. H. WONG 王學權教授


Assistant Professor

BA (Col), MA (Chic), PhD (Chic)



Rm 825, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese-English Translation, Global Chinese Literatures, Media and Modernity in China and Southeast Asia, Poetry and Poetics, Resource Extraction Literary Politics, Transnationalism and Diaspora

日期 標題


“Hokkien-Malay Verse in Classical Chinese: Transliteration as Form” 新馬竹枝詞的語言交雜現象:以福建話音譯馬來語的幾個問題

Presenter at “Literature and the Sea” international conference 文學/海洋/島嶼國際學術研討會, organized by National Taiwan University (Chinese Department), Taiwanese Society for the Study of Chinese Literature and Culture, and the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature.


“A Study of Realism and Modernism in Mahua Literature via Digital Humanities”

Presenter at the seminar “Boundaries Marked and Crossed: Modernism and Realism of the Global South,” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Taipei


“Literary Culture and Southeast Asian Studies in Chinese”

Presenter at Global China/Greece Conference, University of Chicago


On “Rethinking Indigeneity in Sinophone Malaysian Literature: An Analysis of Chang Kuei-hsing’s Elephant Herd.” Respondent to E. K. Tan’s paper at workshop and international conference, Sinophone Malaysian Literary Studies Critical Reader Project.


“Resource Extraction Politics and the Formation of Malayan Literary-Intellectual Thought.” Presenter and respondent at “Doing Theory in Southeast Asia” international workshop, Division of Cultural Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


“Staying Put or Running Away: Economic Migrants in Mahua Literature.” Presenter at “Multisensory Dissent and Alliance Building: The Inaugural Biennial Conference of the Society of Sinophone Studies (SSS),” University of Southern California.


“Nonimperial Geohistorical Categories in Nanyang Studies and Mahua Literature” 南洋研究和馬華文學裏的非帝國主義史地範疇. Presenter at “Between Mobility and Place-making: The Worlds of Southeast Asia in Modern Chinese Literature” Workshop, National University of Singapore. Mandarin presentation.


“Jin Zhimang’s and Ng Kim Chew’s Points of View” 金枝芒、黃錦樹的觀點. Presenter for “Left-wing South: A Workshop,” Harvard University. Mandarin presentation.


“Creolizing Desire in Sino-Malay Translations: Their Colonial, Diasporic, National, and International Contexts”

Presenter at Association of Asian Studies-in-Asia (AAS-in-Asia), Kobe; organizer and chair for the panel “Creolizing Sinophone Connections in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.”


“The Child in Recent Anthologies of Hong Kong Literature.” Presenter at “Hong Kong & Elsewhere” Symposium, organized by the academic journal Hong Kong Studies.


“Comments on Rabindranath Tagore’s Visit to Malaya and Ho Sok Fong’s Mahua Fiction.” Respondent to <一九二0年代泰戈爾來訪與馬來亞華人的社會反響:兼論馬華文化與文學的「前左翼」場域> by 許德發 and <「小說捕獲的只是剩餘」:賀淑芳的破碎敘事策略> by 熊婷惠, “Symposium on Being Marginal: Sinophone and the South,” National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Mandarin response.