

2018/19 School of Chinese Public Lecture
Popular Imaginings and Literary Explorations of Marriage in the Southeast Asian Chinese Diaspora: An Historical Investigation of “The Royal Son-in-Law from Annam” Stories Circulated in Fujian and Guangdong
潘建國教授 Professor Pan Jianguo
時間 Time: 4:30pm– 6:00pm, November 16, 2018 (Friday)
地點 Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
演講語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua
宋元明清以來,自閩粵地區移民至東南亞的華人數量,極為可觀, 且以青壯年男性為絕大多數,而關於這一群體的婚姻狀況,歷來 缺乏記載,籠罩著一層頗為神秘的面紗。本次報告以流傳於閩粵 地區的“安南駙馬”故事為切入口,鈎稽歷史典籍、方志族譜、 小說文本以及文化遺跡等不同面向之史料,梳理呈現民間社會對 於華人移民婚姻的想像與書寫,並藉此揭示其中所蘊涵的超越國 家民族範疇的漢文化共通意義。
A substantial number of young male laborers from Fujian and Guangdong migrated to Southeast Asia throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. However, lack of records of any kind has hindered research into their marital arrangements. By drawing on information from historical works, gazetteers, family genealogies, fiction, and historical sites, this talk will present popular imaginings and literary explorations of marriage practices of Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia. This talk will focus on “Royal Son-in-Law from Annam” stories that circulated in Fujian and Guangdong, aiming to bring to light the transnational and trans-ethnic collective consciousness of Han culture embedded in them.
Professor Pan Jianguo, professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Peking University, is a visiting professor in the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong. He specializes in the study of traditional Chinese fiction, and has research interests in Chinese bibliography, paleography, print culture, and Sinitic texts in East Asia. He is the author of Studies on Catalogs of Traditional Chinese fiction (2005), Collected Essays on Textual Studies of Traditional Fiction (2006), Material and Technical Perspectives on Literary Production: A Study of Late-Qing Publishing and Fiction (2016), and Ten Issues in the Study of Traditional Chinese Fiction (co-author, 2017).