日期 | 標題 | |
2025 |
“Building a Transnational Anticommunist Network: The Operation and Implications of the USIS Presence in Taipei,” The Cityscapes of Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore during the Cold War, eds. Tze-ki Hon and Ying-kit Chan (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 25-43. |
2025 |
“Negotiating Chinese and Re-positioning Selfhood: Malaysian and Hong Kong Poets in Taiwan,” Identity, Multiplicity, and Resistance in Taiwanese Poetry, ed. Wen-chi Li (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 109-122. |
2023 |
"Toward an Oceanic Taiwanese Imaginary: Syaman Rapongan's Sea Writing and Liao Hongji's Cetacean Narrative," The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice, eds. Masood Ashraf Raja and Nick T. C. Lu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 528-539. |
2023 |
“Escape and Return: Ghostly Representations of Home and Abroad in Kevin Chen’s “Summer Trilogy”,” Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Reader. eds. Chia-rong Wu and Ming-ju Fan (Singapore: Springer), pp. 203-216. |
2022 |
“The Slippage between Empires: The Production of the Colonized Subject in Taiwan,” Siting Postcoloniality, eds. Pheng Cheah and Caroline Hau (Durham and London: Duke University Press), pp. 171-190. |
2022 |
歷史的皺摺–吳明益《睡眠的航線》(2007)中的二戰記憶〉,《現代中國文化與文學》39期: 366-77. |
2021 |
“From Indigenization to the World: Reflections on the Themes and Methodologies in Recent Taiwanese Literary Studies,” Archiv Orientalni 89.2: 413-27. |
2021 |
“Alternative Chineseness: War Experience and National Longing in Pan Lei’s Red River Trilogy (1952) and Deng Kebao’s Alien Lands (1961),” Chineseness and the Cold War: Contested Cultures and Diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, eds. Jeremy Taylor and Lanjun Xu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 170-87. |
2021 |
“Progressive or Immoral: Representations of the Modern Girl in Print Media of 1930s Taiwan,” The East Asian Modern Girl: Women, Media, and Colonial Modernity in the Interwar Years, ed. Sumei Wang (Leiden and Boston: Brill), pp. 28-45. |
2020 |
“Diffracted National Narratives: Folkloric and Literary Writing in Colonial Taiwan,” Asian Studies Review 44.2: 164-82. |
2020 |
“Modernism and Postmodernism in Chinese Literature,” (with Carsten Storm), Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, ed. Tim Wright (Oxford: Oxford University Press), online. |
2018 |
”Masterpieces of Taiwan Fiction: Chen Yingzhen and Bai Xianyong,” The Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature, ed. Mingdong Gu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 631-42. |
2018 |
“Masterpieces of Taiwan Poetry: Ji Xian and Yu Guangzhong,” The Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature, ed. Mingdong Gu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 643-55. |
2018 |
”Introduction,” Scales of Injustice: The Complete Fiction of Loa Ho (London: Honford Star), pp. ix-xxi. |
2018 |
〈邊緣的發聲:里慕伊·阿紀《山櫻花的故鄉》與《懷鄉》中的性別與族群〉,《文藝爭鳴》二月號, 頁14-22. |
2017 |
“Clinical Diagnosis for Taiwan – An Ongoing Project,” A New Literary History of Modern China, ed. David Der-wei Wang (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), pp. 271-277. |
2017 |
“How China is Changed by Deng Lijun and Her Song,” Taiwan’s Impact on China, ed. Steve Tsang (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 179-202. |
2016 |
“Comicality in Long Live the Mistress and the Making of a Chinese Comedy of Manners.” Tamkang Review 47.1 (December): 97-119. |
2016 |
〈多元、通俗、查某祖:陳耀昌《福爾摩沙三族記》中的歷史再現〉,《台灣文學學報》28期,頁33-64。 |
2016 |
〈華語語系的多鄉書寫——李永平作品中的“中國”、台北、與婆羅洲〉,《文藝爭鳴》六月號,頁20-30。 |
2015 |
“Language, Culture and Identity: Romanization in Taiwan and its Implications,” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, 12.2 (Issue 24): 191-233. |
2014 |
〈性別化的現代性:徐坤泉與吳漫沙作品中的女性角色〉, 《臺灣文學學報》25期,頁1-31. Reprinted in《今古齊觀:中國文學中的古典與現代》下冊,陳平原主編(香港:香港中文大學,2017),頁 89-112. |
2014 |
“Introduction – Modernity Revisited.” Print, Profit, and Perception: Ideas, Information and Knowledge in Chinese Societies 1895-1949 (New York and Leiden: Brill), pp. 1-16. |
2014 |
“Envisioning the Reading Public: Profit Motives of a Chinese-Language Tabloid in Wartime Taiwan.” Print, Profit, and Perception: Ideas, Information and Knowledge in Chinese Societies 1895-1949 (New York and Leiden: Brill), pp. 188-215. |
2013 |
“Gendering Cross-Strait Relations: Romance and Geopolitics in Li Ang’s Seven-Generation Predestined Relationship and Ping Lu’s East and Beyond,” Archiv Orientalni 81.3: 515-538. |
2013 |
“Women’s Fiction in Taiwan,” Singophone Studies: A Critical Reader, co-edited by Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsing Tsai, and Brian Bernards (New York: Columbia University Press), pp.255-269. |
2012 |
“Redemption from Trauma and Desire: Literature by Overseas Students as Self-Portraiture Exemplified by Guo Songfen and Li Yongping,” Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies 15 (October): 77-115. |
2012 |
“Literature’s Role in Breaching the Authoritative Mindset,” The Vitality of Taiwan: Politics, Economics, Society and Culture edited by Steve Tsang (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 57-79. |
2012 |
“Translating the Other: On the Re-circulations of the Tale Sayon’s Bell,” China and Its Others: Knowledge Transfer through Translation 1829-2010 co-edited by James St. André and Peng Hsiao-yen (Amsterdam: Rodopi), pp. 139-163. |
2011 |
〈沈默的她者──重探呂赫若、龍瑛宗與翁鬧作品中的女性角色〉,《現代中文文學學報》十卷二期,頁60-73. |
2010 |
〈「文明」的磋商: 1930年代臺灣通俗小說 ──以徐坤泉、林焜輝作品為例〉,《臺灣文學研究集刊》第八期,頁1-32. |
2010 |
“Remaking ‘Taiwan’: Literary Representations of the 2.28 Incident by Lin Yaode and Li Qiao,” Becoming Taiwan: From Colonialism to Democracy co-edited by Ann Heylen and Scott Sommers (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag), pp. 63-79. |
2009 |
“Nativist Rhetoric in Contemporary Taiwan,” Cultural Discourse in Taiwan co-edited by Chin-chuan Cheng, I-chun Wang, and Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Kaohsiung: the Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University), pp. 52-77. |
2008 |
“Memory, History, and Identity: Representations of the February 28th Incident in Taiwanese Literature,” Evolving Cultural Memory in China and Her Neighbours co-edited by Cheuk-yin Lee and Ping-chen Hsiung (Hong Kong: Education Press), pp. 306-335. |
2006 |
〈鄉土,女性,與慾望書寫──以商晚筠和黎紫書為例〉,《性別與疆界》,新加坡:八方出版社,頁239-253. |
2003 |
“Humanitarian Socialist: Yang Kui and his Works,” Transformation! Innovation? Perspectives on Taiwan Culture co-edited by Christina Neder and Ines Susanne Schilling (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag), pp. 125-145. |