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Prof. LIN Pei Yin 林姵吟教授

Head of School

Associate Professor

BA (Fu Jen Catholic), MA (Lond), MA (Kent), MPhil (Cantab), PhD (Lond)



Rm 805, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Chinese Language Cinema, Cold War Sinophone Literary Production and Cultural Geopolitics, East Asian Comparative Literature, Gender and Ethnicity Studies, Modern and Contemporary Sinophone Literature, Postcolonial Studies

Date Title


“Building a Transnational Anticommunist Network: The Operation and Implications of the USIS Presence in Taipei,” The Cityscapes of Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore during the Cold War, eds. Tze-ki Hon and Ying-kit Chan (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 25-43.


“Negotiating Chinese and Re-positioning Selfhood: Malaysian and Hong Kong Poets in Taiwan,” Identity, Multiplicity, and Resistance in Taiwanese Poetry, ed. Wen-chi Li (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 109-122.


"Toward an Oceanic Taiwanese Imaginary: Syaman Rapongan's Sea Writing and Liao Hongji's Cetacean Narrative," The Routledge Companion to Literature and Social Justice, eds. Masood Ashraf Raja and Nick T. C. Lu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 528-539.


“Escape and Return: Ghostly Representations of Home and Abroad in Kevin Chen’s “Summer Trilogy”,” Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century: A Critical Reader. eds. Chia-rong Wu and Ming-ju Fan (Singapore: Springer), pp. 203-216.


“The Slippage between Empires: The Production of the Colonized Subject in Taiwan,” Siting Postcoloniality, eds. Pheng Cheah and Caroline Hau (Durham and London: Duke University Press), pp. 171-190.


歷史的皺摺–吳明益《睡眠的航線》(2007)中的二戰記憶〉,《現代中國文化與文學》39期: 366-77.


“From Indigenization to the World: Reflections on the Themes and Methodologies in Recent Taiwanese Literary Studies,” Archiv Orientalni 89.2: 413-27.


“Alternative Chineseness: War Experience and National Longing in Pan Lei’s Red River Trilogy (1952) and Deng Kebao’s Alien Lands (1961),” Chineseness and the Cold War: Contested Cultures and Diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, eds. Jeremy Taylor and Lanjun Xu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 170-87.


“Progressive or Immoral: Representations of the Modern Girl in Print Media of 1930s Taiwan,” The East Asian Modern Girl: Women, Media, and Colonial Modernity in the Interwar Years, ed. Sumei Wang (Leiden and Boston: Brill), pp. 28-45.


“Diffracted National Narratives: Folkloric and Literary Writing in Colonial Taiwan,” Asian Studies Review 44.2: 164-82.


“Modernism and Postmodernism in Chinese Literature,” (with Carsten Storm), Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, ed. Tim Wright (Oxford: Oxford University Press), online.


”Masterpieces of Taiwan Fiction: Chen Yingzhen and Bai Xianyong,” The Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature, ed. Mingdong Gu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 631-42.


“Masterpieces of Taiwan Poetry: Ji Xian and Yu Guangzhong,” The Routledge Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature, ed. Mingdong Gu (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 643-55.


”Introduction,” Scales of Injustice: The Complete Fiction of Loa Ho (London: Honford Star), pp. ix-xxi.


〈邊緣的發聲:里慕伊·阿紀《山櫻花的故鄉》與《懷鄉》中的性別與族群〉,《文藝爭鳴》二月號, 頁14-22.


“Clinical Diagnosis for Taiwan – An Ongoing Project,” A New Literary History of Modern China, ed. David Der-wei Wang (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), pp. 271-277.


“How China is Changed by Deng Lijun and Her Song,” Taiwan’s Impact on China, ed. Steve Tsang (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 179-202.


“Comicality in Long Live the Mistress and the Making of a Chinese Comedy of Manners.” Tamkang Review 47.1 (December): 97-119.






“Language, Culture and Identity: Romanization in Taiwan and its Implications,” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, 12.2 (Issue 24): 191-233.


〈性別化的現代性:徐坤泉與吳漫沙作品中的女性角色〉, 《臺灣文學學報》25期,頁1-31. Reprinted in《今古齊觀:中國文學中的古典與現代》下冊,陳平原主編(香港:香港中文大學,2017),頁 89-112.


“Introduction – Modernity Revisited.” Print, Profit, and Perception: Ideas, Information and Knowledge in Chinese Societies 1895-1949 (New York and Leiden: Brill), pp. 1-16.


“Envisioning the Reading Public: Profit Motives of a Chinese-Language Tabloid in Wartime Taiwan.” Print, Profit, and Perception: Ideas, Information and Knowledge in Chinese Societies 1895-1949 (New York and Leiden: Brill), pp. 188-215.


“Gendering Cross-Strait Relations: Romance and Geopolitics in Li Ang’s Seven-Generation Predestined Relationship and Ping Lu’s East and Beyond,” Archiv Orientalni 81.3: 515-538.


“Women’s Fiction in Taiwan,” Singophone Studies: A Critical Reader, co-edited by Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsing Tsai, and Brian Bernards (New York: Columbia University Press), pp.255-269.


“Redemption from Trauma and Desire: Literature by Overseas Students as Self-Portraiture Exemplified by Guo Songfen and Li Yongping,” Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies 15 (October): 77-115.


“Literature’s Role in Breaching the Authoritative Mindset,” The Vitality of Taiwan: Politics, Economics, Society and Culture edited by Steve Tsang (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 57-79.


“Translating the Other: On the Re-circulations of the Tale Sayon’s Bell,” China and Its Others: Knowledge Transfer through Translation 1829-2010 co-edited by James St. André and Peng Hsiao-yen (Amsterdam: Rodopi), pp. 139-163.




〈「文明」的磋商: 1930年代臺灣通俗小說 ──以徐坤泉、林焜輝作品為例〉,《臺灣文學研究集刊》第八期,頁1-32.


“Remaking ‘Taiwan’: Literary Representations of the 2.28 Incident by Lin Yaode and Li Qiao,” Becoming Taiwan: From Colonialism to Democracy co-edited by Ann Heylen and Scott Sommers (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag), pp. 63-79.


“Nativist Rhetoric in Contemporary Taiwan,” Cultural Discourse in Taiwan co-edited by Chin-chuan Cheng, I-chun Wang, and Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Kaohsiung: the Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University), pp. 52-77.


“Memory, History, and Identity: Representations of the February 28th Incident in Taiwanese Literature,” Evolving Cultural Memory in China and Her Neighbours co-edited by Cheuk-yin Lee and Ping-chen Hsiung (Hong Kong: Education Press), pp. 306-335.




“Humanitarian Socialist: Yang Kui and his Works,” Transformation! Innovation? Perspectives on Taiwan Culture co-edited by Christina Neder and Ines Susanne Schilling (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag), pp. 125-145.