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China’s Online Literature and the Problem of Preservation 中國網絡文學與保存問題


School of Chinese Seminar

China’s Online Literature and the Problem of Preservation

講者: Professor Michel Hockx 賀麥曉教授 

日期: 2023年6⽉15⽇
時間: 16:30-18:00 
地點: 百周年校園逸夫教學樓730室 
語⾔: English  英語

Abstract 摘要

Since its inception in the late 1990s, websites devoted to the production and discussion of literary work have been ubiquitous on the Chinese Web. Over the years, the study of online literature has become an established field of inquiry within the Chinese academy. General studies and textbooks have been produced, and especially for the first decade or so of online literary production, there appears to be consensus on what were the most important sites, authors, and works. This emerging canon of born-digital works, however, can rarely still be found online in its original location and context. This paper addresses the challenges of preserving early Chinese Internet literature, as well as the opportunities for literary analysis when preservation does take place.


Bio 簡介

Michel Hockx is professor of Chinese Literature in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures and director of the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies at the University of Notre Dame. He has published widely, both in English and in Chinese, on topics related to modern Chinese literary culture, especially early 20th-century Chinese magazine literature and print culture and contemporary Internet literature. His monograph Internet Literature in China was listed by Choice magazine as one of the “Top 25 Outstanding Academic Titles of 2015.” 

賀麥曉(Michel Hockx)是聖母大學東亞語言文化系中國文學教授,也是劉氏亞洲研究院院長。他發表了大量中英文論文,主要關注現代中國文學文化,尤其是20世紀初的中國雜誌文學、印刷文化和當代網絡文學。他的專著《中國網絡文學》被《Choice》雜誌評為「2015年25本傑出學術著作之一」。


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