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「開啟職涯成功之門」網上課程系列首部曲 ‘Opening the Doors to Career Success’ Series Part 1


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Upcoming Events

20250221-2 譯介中國:以海外網絡⽂學翻譯爲例 Translating Chineseness: A Case Study of Overseas Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Internet Literature 20250324 Transforming Text Analysis with NLP and Generative AI: From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques 20250306 娜拉做母親後怎樣?——缺位的“新母親” How would Nora be a Mother?: The Absent “New Mother” in May Fourth China 20250214 日記與小說的相遇——論晚清譯者對「虛構日記」的多元接受 When Diary Meets Fiction: On the Translation of Fictional Diaries in Late Qing China 20250305 Power, affect and identity in the linguistic landscape: Chinese communities in Australia and beyond 20250303 The Transnational Impact on Identity Formation in Theatre Across the Chinese-Speaking World 20250221 Transcreation of Marketing Texts: The 3 Dimensions of Persuasion 20250220 Cosmopolitan Music Education in the Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals 20250226 A Changing Legal World: Christianity and Extraterritoriality in Sichuan Courtroom (1810-1911) media4all-720x1020px-202501091142 Register Now for Media for All 11 Conference in Hong Kong - First Time in Asia at HKU! macll-admission-202412300000 中國語言文學文科碩士課程 Master of Arts in the field of Chinese Language and Literature mat-admission-202412301157 翻譯文科碩士課程 Master of Arts in the field of Translation 20250430 中國歷史研究文科碩士課程 Master of Arts in the field of Chinese Historical Studies hkcsh_poster-202412161614 「香港漢學資訊網」現已上線 Launching of Hong Kong Chinese Studies Hub soc-tpg-admission-202502131022 香港大學中文學院文科碩士課程招生 soc-alumni-mass-email-202404241414 Reconnect with the School of Chinese@HKU
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Message from the Head of School

Established in 1927, the School of Chinese has since remained committed to the promotion of Chinese heritage and the integration of Chinese and Western scholarship. Built upon the efforts of our founders and their successors, the School has become a leading international centre for research and teaching in Chinese language, literature, history, and translation. At present, it consists of three units: the School Proper, the Chinese Language Enhancement Programme (CLEP), and the Chinese Language Centre (CLC). We remain the only unit within the University where the medium of instruction is Chinese, including both Putonghua and Cantonese.



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