Submission & Style-sheet
Prospective authors should consult the style-sheet of the Journal. Contributors of articles will receive five copies of the Journal. Please address all manuscripts, books for review, editorial communications, queries about subscriptions, and business correspondence to the Chief Editor, HKU Journal of Chinese Studies (formerly Journal of Oriental Studies).
Email 電郵:
A Short Guide to Style
Presentation of Manuscript
- The manuscript is to be typed double-spaced.
- A cover sheet should include the author’s name, title, position, professional address and email address. It should also include an abstract, marked by the header ABSTRACT.
- All submissions should include a title and abstract in both English and Chinese.
- The manuscript should not exceed twenty thousand Chinese characters or twenty thousand words in English, including notes and references.
- Footnotes, not endnotes, should be used; they should be numbered consecutively throughout the work. A separate bibliography is not necessary.
- Tables and figures, including line diagrams and photographs, should also be numbered consecutively. They should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction in black ink on white paper.
- Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments in MS Word format to
- The Journal accepts a manuscript on the understanding that it represents original, unpublished work, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Once it is accepted for publication, the copyright for the article resides with the Journal.
General Points
- Please refer to a recent copy of the Journal if in doubt as to style or format.
- We regret that manuscripts not conforming to the Journal’s style and format will have to be returned to the author for correction. Acceptance for any particular issue is made subject to all corrected copy being returned by the date stipulated.
- Galley proofs will normally be sent to authors in .pdf format before publication. These must be returned within two weeks of receipt by email. The Editors reserve the right to proceed to publication without having received corrected proofs should they not be returned promptly.
- Corrections in proof should be kept to a minimum.
- For special rules as to Chinese, see a recent copy of the Journal.
- The rendering of non-Roman scripts shall be in accepted forms. For Chinese, the Pinyin system is preferred, followed by Chinese characters; Wade-Giles followed by Chinese characters will be accepted, but may be changed to Pinyin at the discretion of the Editors.
- Quotations must be rendered exactly, though [sic] may be inserted to indicate errors in the original. Author’s interpolations in quotations are to be shown in square brackets.
N.B. Quotations in the text take double inverted commas, “……”
Quotations within quotations take single inverted, ‘……’
Quotations in extenso should be set in a smaller typeface. - Foreign words should be set in italics.
- Compass directions do not take a capital unless forming part of a territorial name — thus, ‘south Guangdong’ but ‘South Korea’.
- References are to be presented in the notes, not as a separate section.
(a) On first presentation, a reference is given in full. On subsequent presentation only the author’s name, an abbreviated title and page number is given.
(b) Where reference is made frequently to the same corpus, suitable and preferably standard abbreviations (e.g. HKUJCS for HKU Journal of Chinese Studies) should be provided at the outset. It is particularly important for titles in languages other than English. - Only two forms of sub-heading are normally available and these should be clearly indicated.
Citation of References
- It is important that the manuscript follows the Journal’s style exactly since inaccuracies in this respect lead to severe editorial difficulties. In case of uncertainty, please consult the most recent Chicago Manual of Style.
- References to obscure materials, either published or unpublished, should give precise information as to location of the materials.
- Books
(a) On first presentation; author’s initials, family name [if Chinese etc. — family name, personal names] full title (in italics), (place: publisher, year of publication; in brackets), pp. number (in full, though page numbers may be omitted if the reference is to the whole work).
e.g. John D. Young, East-West Synthesis: Matteo Ricci and Confucianism (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1980), pp.44-7.
(b) On subsequent presentations: author’s name, short title, page number(s).
e.g. Young, East-West Synthesis, p.28. - Manuscripts
(a) On first presentation: Name of corpus (followed by characters, if Chinese etc.), volume number in Arabic numerals, folio number, ‘a’ (for recto) or ‘b’ (for verso).
e.g. Shiji 史記 173.3b.
(b) On subsequent presentations: Short name (or letters) of corpus, volume number, folio number, a or b.
e.g. Shiji 57.3b-57.4a. - Journal articles
(a) On first presentation: author’s initials, family name [reserved for Chinese, etc.], “title of article” (in double quotation marks), name of journal (in italics) in full (or abbreviated if preceded by footnote giving such abbreviations) volume number: page numbers (in full) and date in parentheses.
e.g. Horace I. Feldman, “The Meiji political novel: a brief survey”, Far Eastern Quarterly 9:245-55 (May 1950).
(b) On subsequent presentations: author’s family name, “short title”, page number.
e.g. Feldman, “Meiji political novel”, p.246.
Note that titles of articles are entirely lower case except for proper names. - For Chinese authors’ names, titles (of journal articles or books), characters should directly follow the English version, without stops or parentheses. It is particularly requested that English renderings of Chinese titles and personal names be consistent throughout.
- If there are uncertainties or queries, please do not hesitate to write to the Editors for advice.
Book Reviews
- The Journal welcomes submissions of book reviews, which should not exceed two thousand Chinese characters or two thousand words in English, nor contain titles or sub-headings. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.
一、 中文稿件需用繁體中文,並附word電子檔。請使用電子郵件附件的形式投稿,並寄至。
二、 所有稿件以未曾以任何形式刊載為限,不得一稿兩投。
三、 文稿需註明作者全名、職位和職稱、通函地址及電郵地址。
四、 無論中文或英文的文稿,作者必須提供中英文雙語的標題及摘要。中英文文稿皆以二萬字為限,包括注釋及參考書目。文稿需用腳注,無需列出參考書目。
五、 本刊歡迎書評,以二千字為限,無需使用標題或章節標題,並盡量避免使用注釋。
六、 一應圖表皆需編號,並以黑白為原則。
七、 請用新式標點。引號用“ ”、‘ ’,書名用《 》,單篇文章用〈 〉,書名與篇名連用時,用間隔號將二者分開,如《論語·學而》。
八、正文或注釋中出現之人物,均須於首次提及時注明生卒年;帝王姓名之後,必須加注廟號及在位年分(按:指實際在位年分,而非年號所包括之年分,參例1); 漢譯外國人名,須附原名(參例2)。
1. 朱棣(明成祖,1360–1424,1402–1424 在位)
2. 利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci,1552–1610)
1. 光緒十六年(1890)
2. 乾(隆,1736–1795)、嘉(慶,1796–1820)兩朝
十一、 注釋請寫在每頁正文之下,格式如下:
1. 合編之書
甲、 張廷玉(1672–1755)等:《明史》(北京:中華書局,1974 年),〈本紀〉2,〈太祖〉2,頁29。
乙、 金天羽:〈戴名世傳〉,載安徽通志館編:《安徽通志館列傳稿》(安徽:安徽通志館,1934 年),卷2,頁40 下–45 上。
2. 個人著作
全祖望(1705–1755):《續甬上耆舊詩》(戊午〔1918 年〕四明文獻社據靈蕤館謝氏藏本校印本),卷77,〈寒松齋兄弟之三.萬布衣斯大〉,頁2 下。
3. 論文
孟森(1868–1937):〈關於劉愛塔事迹的研究〉,《清史論叢》,2 輯(1980 年2 月),頁215–226。
4. 引用歐西語文獻,請參《香港大學中文學報》英文稿例。