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危險的愉悅:泥塑 bot 中的檔案、女性性與酷兒性

Dangerous Pleasures: Archiving and Queering “Women” in Nisu Bots


2022/23 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar


Dangerous Pleasures: Archiving and Queering “Women” in Nisu Bots

危險的愉悅:泥塑 bot 中的檔案、女性性與酷兒性


Speaker: Miss CHOW Chung Yan, Norah


Date & Time: November 4, 2022 (Wed) 5:30-6:45pm


Venue: CPD-3.29, Central Podium Level 3, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU


Language: English


Mode of Delivery: 100% Face-to-face


Women and sexual minorities’ pleasures not only assume agency but often reveal new forms of risks, and nisu bots’ struggles between 2018-2021 offer a window into this question in the Chinese context. As a neologism in today’s Chinese cyberculture, “nisu” (literarily “clay-molding”) is a practice through which the images of male idols could be translated into literary symbols of “femininity,” such as “mommy,” “wife,” and “daughter.” Standing for “robot,” “bot” is a human-administered and thematic contribution-based account based on Sina Weibo, one of the social media platform superpowers in the PRC. This study understands nisu bots both as constructed sites and archival entities. Through a queer lens, I examine the power struggles in nisu bots between 2018-2021 at the intersection of fan culture, subculture, and women-oriented culture. In securing their stigmatized pleasures of nisu, nisu bots opening in 2018 challenged the organizational hegemony of fandoms from the margins. In this process, nisu bots transformed into symbolic sites of resistance, reshaping “nisu fan” as a minority identity. At the same time, nisu bots’ crises were mediated by the censorship of erotic writings and the undervaluation of fanworks, a system of cultural production alternative to “high” art or the “mainstream” culture industries. Therefore, instead of another tale of Chinese fandom politics, nisu bots’ dilemmas anticipated the increasingly severe censorship, reporting, canceling, and opposition in mainland China’s entertainment arena today. On the contrary, the Order’s failure to fully mainstream “nisu” corroborates the chaotic queerness in Chinese popular culture.






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