粵劇官話的歷史層次——從兩句台詞說起 Historical Strata in the performance language of Cantonese Opera: Examining the issue in two lines from the repertoire

2022/23 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
Historical Strata in the performance language of Cantonese Opera: Examining the issue in two lines from the repertoire
Speaker: Mr. YU Shing
Date & Time: February 17, 2023 (Fri) 5:30-6:45pm
Venue: CPD-3.29, Central Podium Level 3, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: Putonghua & Cantonese
Mode of Delivery: 100% Face-to-face
Cantonese opera is descended from the opera (xìqǔ 戲曲) forms of other provinces, and the performance language is a Mandarin based variety rather than Cantonese. Since this Mandarin variety is only used in the performances of the art, it is referred to as Xìpéng Guānhuà (‘stage-Mandarin’ or ‘performance-Mandarin’ 戲棚官話). Cantonese opera insiders sometimes refer to performance-Mandarin as Zhōngzhōu yīn (中州音), zhèngzì (正字) or Zhōngyuán yīnyùn (中原音韻); some even claim that it is a form of Guìlín Mandarin or Guìlín dialect. However, performance-Mandarin is completely different from any natural language. This is because in the process of its development it continuously absorbed different dialect elements.
This project analyzes performance-Mandarin with reference to historical strata so as to seek out the various origins of the dialect features it contains. The linguistic evidence uncovered contributes to a richer understanding of the developmental history of Cantonese opera.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.