Wen Tsung-yao (1867-1947) and Modern China
2016/2017 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
溫宗堯 (1867-1947) 與近代中國
Wen Tsung-yao (1867-1947) and Modern China
黃振威 Wong Chun-wai
Date and Time: February 10, 2017 (Friday); 2:00-3:15pm
Venue: Room 730 Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Cantonese
Wen Tsung-yao is a legendary figure in modern China. He was truly a chameleon in realpolitik because his political stance changed repeatedly. As he had been a collaborator with Japanese, historical comments on him are mainly negative. But in the last decade of Qing dynasty, he was highly prestigious as an official responsible for foreign affairs. In the early years of republican era, he was active in Chinese diplomacy. After 1920s he retired from politics and dedicated his energy to his personal enterprises. By the end of 1930s, he participated in politics again. At the time, the anti-Japanese atmosphere was violent, but he went the opposite way, joining the Chinese puppet-government of Japan. He always made undisguised comments with strong pro-Japanese inclination, and at the same time opposing the rule of Chiang Kai-shek. In many occasions these provoked the anger of Chinese. After the victory, he faced trial for collaboration, and died in great despair. Wen Tsung-yao was truly a celebrity of late Qing and early republican eras, but the information related to him was scattered and full of inconsistency. Until now, there is no biographical research on Wen Tsung-yao, and we are still lacking a clear understanding about him. This paper attempts to reconstruct the life and career of Wen Tsung-yao by using various unexplored primary sources.