Bodily Synaesthesia: Wasp’s Waist and Poetic, Calligraphic, and Painting “Diseases” 古典詩歌、繪畫、書法理論中所見的“蜂腰”

2022/23 School of Chinese Seminar
Bodily Synaesthesia: Wasp’s Waist and Poetic, Calligraphic, and Painting “Diseases”
Dr. Chao LING凌超博士
City University of Hong Kong香港城市大學
Date: April 24, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Room730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: English
Body metaphors are ubiquitous in traditional Chinese theoretical treatises on poetry, calligraphy, and painting. Wasp’s waist (fengyao蜂腰), excessively thin waist, is a common metaphor referring to one of the eight poetic, calligraphic, and painting diseases (babing八病). This talk reads Shen Yue’s (441–513) theory of the wasp’s waist in poetic tonal patterns and other traditional literary and artistic theories to understand bodily experience as a hermeneutic device for theorizing and evaluating art. In light of the case study of the wasp’s waist, this talk points to the interplay between figura and physiognomy, and wen (verbal and visual representation) and the world.
Chao LING (BA, Peking University; MA, Columbia University; Ph.D., Yale University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese and History at City University of Hong Kong. He taught at Bates College and Colgate University before joining CityU. His research interests include medieval Chinese poetry and material culture, art history of landscape paintings, and inter-disciplinary study of text and image.
All are welcome