「中國電影」的迷思:二十世紀五、六十年代香港右派國語片的後遺民情結 The Myth of Chinese Cinema: The Post-loyalist Complex in Hong Kong Rightist Mandarin Films in the 1950-60s

2022/23 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
The Myth of Chinese Cinema: The Post-loyalist Complex in Hong Kong Rightist Mandarin Films in the 1950-60s
Speaker: Miss ZHANG Huiyan
Date: May 19, 2023 (Fri)
Time: 17:30 - 18:45
Language: Putonghua
Mode of Delivery: 100% Face-to-face
Venue: CPD-3.29, Central Podium Level 3, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
In the 1950-60s, right-wing film companies led by Motion Picture & General Investment Co Ltd. and Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd., drew a lot of Shanghai film employees, and attempted to create the “Oriental Hollywood” in Hong Kong. Under the geopolitical relations among Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia during the Cold War, MP&GI and the Shaw Brother built an alternative “Chinese cinema” (zhongguo dianying) outside China. Since 1997, scholars from mainland China and Hong Kong have captured the inheritance of the Shanghai films from Hong Kong Mandarin films in the 1950s and 1960s, then generated two different narratives for the development of Hong Kong cinema: a part of Chinese cinema and Hong Kong cinema mainly relying on Cantonese movies. This report will select post-loyalist perspective to analyze three mandarin movies from MP&GI and the Shaw Brother, to present how they abandon the nation-state discourse while following the style of Shanghai cinema in the 1930s, and to explore how Hong Kong rightist mandarin movies in the name of “Chinese cinema”, refer to the deconstruction of “orthodoxy” advocated in modern national political discourse.
ALL are welcome*
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