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“洋字與華文:近代香港與上海的西書中譯和出版” 國際學術研討會

INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: Chinese Translations and Publications of Western Books in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the Early Modern Period













Organized by School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong

Sponsored by the Louis Cha Fund in the Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong



Chinese Translations and Publications of Western Books

in Hong Kong and Shanghai in the Early Modern Period





Mode of Delivery 活動方式: Face-to-face xian線下


Language 語言: Putonghua / English 普通話或英語

Venue 地點: CRT-7.30, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU



Date & Time 日期與時間:

Day 1 第一天: 27 May 2023 (Sat) 2023年5月27日(周六)

AM Session 上午場 (Panel 1 & Panel 2): 10:00am-12:45pm (registration @ 9:45am)

PM Session 下午場 (Panel 3 & Panel 4): 14:30pm-17:15pm (registration @ 14:15pm)

Day 2 第二天: 28 May 2023 (Sun) 2023年5月28日(周日)

AM Session 上午場 (Panel 5 & Panel 6): 9:00am-12:30pm (registration @ 8:45am)


About the Symposium 研討會主旨:

Since the late Qing time, Hong Kong and Shanghai have been recognized as two leading centers for Chinese translations and publications of Western books. The translated works covered a wide range of thematic categories, and many of them exerted significant impacts on China’s transition from an imperial society to a modern nation. Though extensive research has been done in the past decades, some key concerns remain largely underexplored. They include, for example, the diverse modes and techniques of translation, the roles of Chinese scholars in the translation process, the exchanges of Chinese and Western knowledge systems and cultural practices, the printing and circulation of the translated works, and the overlaps and competitions between Hong Kong and Shanghai in publishing Chinese translations of Western books, etc. This symposium is therefore aimed to provide a platform for scholars to engage more advanced studies and better digest the publishing boom that took place simultaneously at these two cities in early modern Chinese history.




Programme details can be found HERE
