Literati Networks and Communication during the Jin-Yuan Transition: A Study of the Letters to Lü Xun in Epistolary Writings of the Central Plain

School of Chinese Seminar
Literati Networks and Communication during the Jin-Yuan Transition: A Study of the Letters to Lü Xun inEpistolary Writings of the Central Plain
朱銘堅博士 Dr. Ming Kin CHU
Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University
Date: Friday, February 17, 2017
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
講座摘要 這次報告以《中州啟劄》內三十餘通與呂遜的書信為線索,重構呂遜在金元之際的動向和其橫跨華北地區的書信網絡,揭示呂遜作為元初兩大儒學集團溝通橋樑的重要角色,並藉著分析與呂遜諸通信的內容和時代背景,探討士人如何透過書信傳達請託與勉勵的訊息,在金元之際的困境中相互扶持。
Abstract On the basis of about thirty letters addressed to Lü Xun in the fourteenth-century letter collection Epistolary Writings of the Central Plain, this presentation reconstructs the movement of Lü Xun and his epistolary network in the northern territories during the Jin-Yuan transition. It reveals how Lü Xun served as a bridge between two core groups of Confucian scholars in the early Yuan. Through an analysis of the content and historical context of various letters to Lü Xun, we can see how literati in the north conveyed requests and encouragements and supported each other during difficult times.
講者簡介 朱銘堅,嶺南大學歷史系博士。現任香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院研究助理教授。曾任香港樹仁大學歷史學系講師、英國倫敦大學國王學院和荷蘭萊頓大學博士後研究員。其研究興趣包括五代、宋、元時期的歷史和中國史學史。
About the Speaker Ming Kin CHU holds a PhD degree in History from Lingnan University. He is currently a Research Assistant Professor in The Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at Hong Kong Baptist University. Previously he has been a lecturer in the Department of History at Hong Kong Shue Yan University and a postdoctoral research associate at King’s College London and Leiden University. His research interests include political, educational, institutional, social and cultural history in Middle-period China (Five Dynasties, Song and Yuan) and Chinese historiography.
All are welcome!