[活動回放]在樓窗的燈光裡:張愛玲的家居剪影──從《傳奇》增訂本展開 In the Light of the Window: Eileen Chang’s Interior Silhouette from the Revised Edition of Romances

張愛玲研究新方向講座系列 New Directions in Eileen Chang Studies Lecture Series (Round Table Discussion)
Co-hosted by School of Chinese and Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Co-sponsored by Louis Cha Fund for Chinese studies & East/West studies in the Faculty
& Center for the Study of Globalization and Culture (CSGC)
In the Light of the Window: Eileen Chang’s Interior Silhouette from the Revised Edition of Romances
分享嘉賓 Speaker: 蘇偉貞 教授 Prof. SU Wei-chen
主持人 Moderator: 林姵吟 博士 Dr. LIN Pei-yin
日期時間 Date & Time: September 27, 2023 (Wed) 16:30-18:00pm
語言 Language: Putonghua
地點 Venue: CBC, Chow Yei Ching Building, Main Campus, HKU
Meeting ID: 918 0797 2759
Password: 495169
摘要 Abstract:
In November 1946, Eileen Chang released a revised edition of Romances. The preface “A Few Words to the Reader,” the postscript “China’s Day and Night,” and the cover featuring a modern person peering into the home of a late Qing dynasty woman offer insight into her creative process and personal circumstances. The preface serves as a defense against the label of traitor, while the postscript features a poem that atypically blends themes of daily life and love, evoking a sense of unease that she wished to convey through the cover. All of these revolve around the keyword “home”, revealing Chang’s interior aesthetic. Despite Chang’s expressed preference for Chinese-style “one bright two dark” rooms, her marriage, life path, autobiographical works, and late self-writing suggest otherwise. In hindsight, the preface, postscript, and cover of the revised edition of Romances appear to have foreshadowed her later years, which were marked by unease. Regarding Chang’s life and writing, this talk posits that the world provided Chang with a space and time where her characters could traverse bright and dark rooms through passageways, while she traversed different eras through her fiction.
講者簡介 About the Speaker:
蘇偉貞,香港大學中文學院博士。1985年至2006年任職《聯合報》副刊,2007年起專任中國文化大學中文系、成功大學中文系等校,目前任教致理科技大學通職學部。80年代初期以《陪他一段》(1983)崛起文壇, 90年代以《沉默之島》(1994)獲《中國時報》百萬小說評審團大獎,已出版多部小說集和散文集,及學術專書《孤島張愛玲──追蹤張愛玲香港時期小說》(2002)、《描紅──台灣張派作家世代論》(2006)、《長鏡頭下的張愛玲:影像‧書信‧出版》(2011)、《不安、厭世與自我退隱──易文及同代南來文人》(2020)。
SU Wei-chen obtained her PhD from the School of Chinese, HKU. She worked at the United Daily News from 1985 to 2006. Since 2007, she has held full-time teaching positions at several universities, including the Chinese Culture University and National Cheng Kung University. Currently, she teaches at the General Education Division of Chihlee University of Technology. She rose to fame with her novel Be with Him for a While (1983), and in the 1990s, she won the China Times Literature Award for Best Novel with Island of Silence (1994). She is the author of more than a dozen volumes of fiction and nonfiction, as well as three scholarly books on Eileen Chang and one on the film director and screenwriter Yi Wen.
1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom) with justifications;
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.