UNSETTLING EXILES: Chinese Migrants in Hong Kong and the Southern Periphery During the Cold War

Online Book Talk
Chinese Migrants in Hong Kong and the Southern Periphery During the Cold War
Date: 28 Oct 2023
Time: 12:30 - 2:30 pm HKT
Format: Zoom
Prof. Angelina Y. Chin
Associate Professor of History at Pomona College
Author of Bound to Emancipate: Working Women and Urban Citizenship in Early Twentieth-Century China and Hong Kong (2012)
Prof. John M. Carroll
Principal Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong
Author of Edge of Empires: Chinese Elites and British Colonials in Hong Kong, A Concise History of Hong Kong, and Canton Days: British Life and Death in China
The conventional story of Hong Kong celebrates the people who fled the mainland in the wake of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. In this telling, migrants thrived under British colonial rule, transforming Hong Kong into a cosmopolitan city and an industrial and financial hub. Unsettling Exiles recasts identity formation in Hong Kong, demonstrating that the complexities of crossing borders shaped the city’s uneasy place in the Sinophone world.