[活動回放]彼岸花:1950年代後張愛玲的跨界文藝實踐 Flower of the Other Shore: Eileen Chang’s Border-crossing Literary Practice after the 1950s

張愛玲研究新方向講座系列 New Directions in Eileen Chang Studies Lecture Series
Co-hosted by School of Chinese and Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Co-sponsored by Louis Cha Fund for Chinese studies & East/West studies in the Faculty
& Center for the Study of Globalization and Culture (CSGC)
Flower of the Other Shore: Eileen Chang’s Border-crossing Literary Practice after the 1950s
分享嘉賓 Speaker: 趙家琦 博士 Dr. CHAO Chia-chi
主持人 Moderator: 林姵吟 博士 Dr. LIN Pei-yin
日期時間 Date & Time: November 30, 2023 (Thu) 16:30-18:00pm
語言 Language: Putonghua
地點 Venue: CPD-LG.07, Central Podium LG/F, Centennial Campus, HKU
Meeting ID: 959 7289 4401
Password: 330925
摘要 Abstract:
Eileen Chang’s literary practice from the 1950s onwards is often deemed inferior to her wartime creations and has not received sufficient attention. Therefore, this talk aims to explore the richness and border-crossing nature of Chang’s later works, spanning various media, languages and genres. This three-part talk begins by analysing how Chang’s adaptation of the British play “While the Sun Shines” into a screenplay “June Bride” for the MP&GI company, offers valuable insights into the interplay between the play and its film adaptation as a romance, while tracing its reflection of Cold War popular culture. It then discusses how Chang transformed the late Qing Wu-dialect novel Sing-song Girls of Shanghai into a love classic through her Chinese translation. It also highlights Chang’s collaborative translation efforts with academic circles in Hong Kong and beyond. Finally, the talk turns to Chang’s posthumously discovered Chinese essay “A Return to the Frontier.” It posits that her visit to Taiwan during the Cold War and her fascination with local temples not only reveal an imagination of Han-ethnic heritage but also signify intriguing intertextuality with Taiwan’s folk arts.
講者簡介 About the Speaker:
趙家琦 臺灣中興大學中國文學系副教授。研究與教學範圍為近現代中國小說、上海文學與文化、小說與影像改編等。目前主要研究論題為1950年代後張愛玲的文藝實踐,已發表多篇論文於《漢學研究》、《清華中文學報》、與《翻譯史研究》等學術期刊與書籍。
Chia-chi Chao is an associate professor in the Department of Chinese Literature at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. Her research interests include 20th century Chinese fiction, modern Shanghai literature, and the adaptation of novels into films in the Chinese language. She has published several articles on Eileen Chang’s later literature in academic journals such as Chinese Studies, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, Studies in Translation History as well as in various edited books.
1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom) with justifications;
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration (Click HERE) is requested.