‘We Have the Best Story, Never Told’: Pride and Profit of Chinese Community in the Linguistic Landscape of Bendigo, Australia 旅遊商品化與民族自豪感:澳洲本迪戈華人社區的語言景觀

2023/24 School of Chinese Research Seminar
‘We Have the Best Story, Never Told’: Pride and Profit of Chinese Community in the Linguistic Landscape of Bendigo, Australia
Speaker: Dr. Xiaofang Yao 姚曉芳博士
Date: Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Venue: Room 7.30, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU
Language: English
In this seminar, I will explore the linguistic landscape of Bendigo, Australia, focusing on the Chinese community’s negotiation of ethnic tourism discourses in this diasporic context and their assertion of ownership over Chinese languages, cultures, and identities. Built on a comprehensive dataset of photographs, field notes, interviews, and archival materials, I will analyse how multiple forms of Chinese languages, material objects, and other semiotic resources have been exploited to construct an essentialist Chinese touristic experience. Meanwhile, Bendigo’s Chinese community has exercised agency in preserving their heritage, despite their inconsistent uses of Chinese translations and missteps in marketing Chineseness. A close examination of Chinese heritage sites demonstrates not only a shared history but also a potential for a shared future, one where the Chinese presence is seamlessly integrated into the fabric of Bendigo’s urban landscape. Situated at the intersection of language and space, this study contributes to a research agenda that seeks to shift our focus from human- and language-centric views to the role of material and technological affordances in communication.
Xiaofang Yao, PhD (University of Melbourne), is a Lecturer at the Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University, Australia. Her research interests include migrant cultures, translanguaging practices, linguistic/semiotic landscape, translation and interpreting, and digital humanities. She has published in the areas of language and space, culture, identity, and power especially with diaspora Chinese community in Victoria, Australia. She is currently preparing a research monograph entitled Affect, Power and Identity in the Linguistic Landscape: Chinese Communities in Australia and Beyond (Routledge).