Sojourning in Republican Beijing: Self-writing and the Poetry of Huang Jie (1873-1935)

School of Chinese Seminar
Sojourning in Republican Beijing: Self-writing and the Poetry of Huang Jie (1873-1935)
孫瑩瑩博士Dr. Yingying SUN
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shen Zhen
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Time: 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
講座摘要 在重新審視二十世紀中國文學的研究背景下,清末民初的舊體文學創作近年來受到學者的關注。已有研究集中於宋詩派和清遺民的創作活動,其他如南社詩人研究,也多關注其詩歌與政治、革命的關係。本演講以南社詩人黃節(1873-1935)客居北京期間所作詩歌為例,討論黃節如何將古典詩歌作為一種社會交往和抒情的手段,呈現現代中國的日常生活經驗。黃詩通過書寫北京風物、友朋酬贈及其客居體驗,反映出時代變革下的文人心境和自我認同。同時,也可藉此探討傳統詩歌樣式和書寫在現代中國的意義。
Abstract Influenced by the trend of reevaluating Chinese literature in twentieth century, more attentions has been paid to traditional-style writings in late Qing and early Republican eras. Current research primarily focus on writings by Song Poetry School and Qing loyalists, while studies on Nanshe group rely more on political and revolutionary perspectives. This talk examines Huang Jie (1873-1935)’s classical-style writings during his settlement in Republican Beijing, by investigating how classical-style poetry was used as a method of social practice and lyricism in modern era. Huang’s poetry well represented the daily life and sojourning experience in Republican Beijing, hence reflected the literati mentality and self-identity in the transformation period. Moreover, the significance of traditional literary form and classical-style writings in modern China is also discussed.
講者簡介 孫瑩瑩,香港大學哲學博士,香港中文大學(深圳)人文社科學院講師,研究興趣包括清末民初的古典文學書寫,現代中國的文學批評,南社研究及古典文獻學等。著有《張裕釗年譜長編》(河南人民,2014),並發表過十數篇研究論文。
About the Speaker Graduated from HKU, Dr. Sun Yingying is currently a lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shen Zhen. Her research interests include classical-style writings in modern China, classical literary criticism, Nanshe Studies and philology. She has published one book The Chronicle of Zhang Yuzhao and dozens of research articles.
All are welcome!