The Application of Actor-Network Theory To Translation Studies: The Case of Arthur Waley’s English Translation of XiYou Ji ⾏動者網絡理論在翻譯研究中的應⽤:以亞瑟·⾱利英譯「西遊記」爲例

2023/24 School of Chinese Reseach Seminar
The Application of Actor-Network Theory To Translation Studies: The Case of Arthur Waley’s English Translation of XiYou Ji
Speaker: Dr. Wenyan Luo 駱雯雁博士
Date: Monday, 20 November 2023
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Venue: Room 7.30, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU
Language: English
As a sociological approach, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) has shown great potential in understanding the production of translation. Centring around the application of to the field of Translation Studies, this talk aims to restore the making of Arthur Waley’s English translation, entitled Monkey, of the Chinese literary canon XiYou Ji (aka Journey to the West). The theory of ANT and the methodology used are introduced before some key aspects of its application to the case study is given. Emphasis is put on the identification of the heterogenous translation actors (agents) and their agency, e.g., how they collaborated and (were) divided to facilitate or hinder the production of the translation in practical and changing historical and translational conditions, making Waley’s text a unique translation. The talk is expected to provoke new understanding on the category of actors in translation and the meaning of translation.
⾏動者網絡理論(ANT)屬於社會學範疇,在翻譯研究中主要被⽤於分析譯本的⽣産過程。本次演講圍繞⾏動者網絡理論在翻譯研究中的應⽤這⼀主題,以亞瑟·⾱利之「西遊記」英譯本 (Monkey) 爲案例,探討譯本的⽣産過程。在對⾏動者網絡理論及研究⽅法進⾏簡單的介紹後,演講者將就案例研究中的⼀些關鍵⽅⾯展開討論。討論的重點主要包括翻譯⾏動者及其能動性,例如,在實際多變的歷史環境與翻譯條件下,⾏動者如何通過合作以及(主動或被動的)對峙來推進或阻礙譯本的⽣産過程,賦予⾱利譯本以獨特性。通過此次演講,演講者希望能夠促使聽眾重新理解翻譯⾏動者的類別以及翻譯的含義。
Luo, Wenyan received her PhD in Translation Studies from Durham University in 2019. She did postdoctoral research at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2020-2021) and currently works as Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation, Lingnan University. Her research interests lie mainly on the sociology of translation, translation history and translator studies. She recently published with Routledge her monograph entitled Translation as Actor-Networking (2020) and is currently co-editing The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Sociology with Professor Sergey Tyulenev.
駱雯雁,2019年畢業於英國杜倫⼤學,獲哲學博⼠學位。2020-2021年在⾹港理⼯⼤學進⾏博⼠後研究。2021年起⼊職嶺南⼤學翻譯系,擔任研究助理教授。研究興趣包括翻譯社會學、翻譯史、譯者研究等。著有專著Translation As Actor-Networking (2020) 。⽬前正與Sergey Tyulenev 教授共同編輯The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Sociology.