Exploring Intersemiotic Translation Models - A Case Study of Ang Lee's Films 探究符際翻譯模型 - 關於李安電影的案例研究

2023/24 School of Chinese Reseach Seminar
Exploring Intersemiotic Translation Models - A Case Study of Ang Lee's Films
探究符際翻譯模型 - 關於李安電影的案例研究
Speaker: Dr. Haoxuan Zhang 張浩軒博士
Date: 20 November 2023 (Monday)
Time: 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Venue: Room 7.30, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU
Language: English
Intersemiotic translation enables film to be discussed through the prism of translation studies, although past research in this area, which perceives film as a transmission from verbal signs to non- verbal signs, oversimplifies the film-making mechanism. As a result, researchers neglect the fact that other elements of film language are governed by audio-visual patterns that are included in a film’s prior materials. To remedy this deficiency, a rigorous investigation of these audio- visual patterns has been carried out, and answers are provided for the research question: How do intersemiotic translators translate?
In this research, these quality-determining audio-visual patterns are considered as the film-maker’s intersemiotic translation models, which provide translation solutions for verbal text segments in the screenplay. Using elements from Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory and Rey Chow’s theory of cultural translation, a multi-level system of intersemiotic translation is proposed, comprised of two levels: cultural and semiotic. These intersemiotic translation models, and their functions, are explored through case studies of three of Ang Lee’s films, namely, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Lust, Caution; and Life of Pi.
Haoxuan Zhang obtained a PhD in Translation Studies from Durham University. He currently lectures in translation studies at the MTI centre at Beijing Normal University. His research interests include intersemiotic translation, Chinese studies, visual culture and film studies. The aim of his research is to contribute to the methodology and theoretical understanding of intersemiotic translation with regard to translation phenomenon in a variety of semiotic forms. His recent publications include the research monograph Exploring Intersemiotic Translation Models – A Case Study of Ang Lee’s Films (2023) by Routledge Publishing House.