宋代北方漢語與非漢語的詞彙接觸——論「撇道」(腳)的滿通古斯語源 Lexical Contact between the Northern Chinese and Non-Chinese Languages in Song Dynasty: An Etymological Study on "Piedao"(foot)

2023/24 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
Lexical Contact between the Northern Chinese and Non-Chinese Languages in Song Dynasty:
An Etymological Study on "Piedao"(foot)
The reciprocal nature of language contact results in the potential for even less dominant languages to exert influence on prestigious languages. This phenomenon was evident during the emergence of ethnic minority regimes in northern China during the Song Dynasty, when the Altaic languages exerted an impact on the Chinese languages. One notable characteristic of this influence was lexical borrowing. This research undertakes a comparative analysis of the phonetic forms of words such as "leg," "foot," and "claw" in the Manchu-Tungusic languages spoken in both Russia and China. The current study argues that the Chinese term for "leg," represented by the characters "撇道" (piedao), is not an inherently Chinese word but rather has its origin in the Manchu-Tungusic languages spoken in the northern region of China. Specifically, this word is closely relevant to the root "bul" in the Altaic languages. Moreover, the lexicalization of "撇道" has given rise to a word formation pattern in the China languages from the Song to Qing Dynasty, where the morpheme "道" (dao) functions as a suffix for terms related to the human body parts.