Forging Ahead Together: Day 1 Recap of School Proper's 2023 Team Retreat

On December 4, 2023, School Proper members gathered for a two-day retreat at the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel. The first day brought together 23 colleagues from the school's seven programmes and teams to reconnect and collaborate after the COVID pandemic. The retreat provided a much-needed opportunity for participants to reflect on their goals, objectives, and activities while also fostering stronger relationships among colleagues.
The participating programmes and teams included Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Culture, Translation, Hong Kong Studies, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme, Chinese Language Centre, and General Administration.
The retreat's meeting was conducted in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere, featuring brainstorming sessions on various aspects of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning. Hot topics, such as Generative AI and the School's plans for the centennial celebration in 2027, were also discussed.
The meeting concluded in the late afternoon, followed by a private dinner and optional overnight accommodation. Participants had the choice to join a local tour on the second day of the retreat.