Intellectual Implosion: The Break-up of Intellectual Thought during the Late Qing Period

【Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities】Lecture Series
【The Long Nineteenth Century – Intellectual Turmoil during the Late Qing Period】
Lecture 1: Intellectual Implosion: The Break-up of Intellectual Thought during the Late Qing Period
About the Lecture
After the reign of Jiaqing and Daoguang, a couple of eminent Confucianist scholars gradually disagreed on the discussions of ‘Yin 隱 (implicit)’ and ‘Xian 顯 (explicit).’ The basis of knowledge pursuit also started to waver. Different interpretations already appeared for questions like ‘what is knowledge’, ‘what is Confucianism’, and ‘what is China’.
Professor Wang Fan-sen
Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Academician, Academia Sinica
Professor Xu Guoqi
Professor of History, Department of History,
School of Humanities of the Faculty of Arts at The University of Hong Kong
27th March 2024 (Wednesday) | 6:30 pm
Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin*
*Simultaneous interpretation in English is available upon request on-site. (First-Come First-Served.)
Free Admission. Registration required. First-Come First-Served.
(For HKU Staff and Students)
(For Alumni and Public)
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