荀子思想中的七情 Seven Qing in the Thought of Xunzi

2023/24 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar
Seven Qing in the Thought of Xunzi
Xunzi was an important Confucian thinker in the Warring States period of China. My thesis tries to analyze how Xunzi understands and responds to qi qing (seven emotions) of human beings so that we might have a better and more accurate interpretation of his overall theory. The term “qi qing,” which includes joy, anger, sorrow (or sadness), fear, love, hate (or dislike) and desire, is used in the chapter of Li Yun of the Liji (the Book of Rites). The term does not appear in the text of the Xunzi. However, Xunzi does talk a lot about the various emotions and desires grouped under the term.
By investigating the passages in the Xunzi related to different emotions, I try to answer the following questions: In the thought of Xunzi, how many kinds of qing are there? What kinds of qing should be rejected? And what kinds of qing should be satisfied? What is the basis of such a difference? Through learning or human endeavour, how could feelings and emotions be changed or transformed? Also, are feelings and emotions good for one’s moral actions? Or would they hinder one from being morally good? Or do they have nothing to do with morality? These are the key questions I tackle in my thesis.