秦帝國的意識形態與社會張力 State Ideology and Social Tensions in the Qin Empire, 221-207 BCE

School of Chinese Seminar
State Ideology and Social Tensions in the Qin Empire, 221-207 BCE
Dr. Chun Fung Tong (Heidelberg University)
唐俊峰博士 (海德堡大學)
日期 Date: 6 June 2024 (Thursday)
時間 Time: 11:00-12:30 pm
地點 Venue: CPD-7.30, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
語言 Language: English
This talk delves into the lives of the Qin Empire’s subjects—especially those of the low-level officials—by studying their tensions with the state. First, it explores the emergence of a universal ruling class featuring literate administrators, and how this progress temporarily discontinued after the collapse of Qin’s political organization. Second, it examines the negative effects of the Qin’s difficult and uncompassionate “moral-legalist supremacism” ideology, which might have discouraged Qin officials from being committed to their duties and counteracted the very purposes of Qin’s sociopolitical reforms. These phenomena demonstrate the insufficient power of the Qin regime.
Chun Fung Tong is a postdoctoral researcher at Heidelberg University. He studied history at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for his BA and MPhil degrees before completing a PhD in Sinology at Heidelberg in 2020. His research focuses on the social, political and institutional history, historiography as well as manuscript culture of early China. His first monograph, State Power and Governance in Early Imperial China: The Collapse of the Qin Empire, 221–207 BCE, will be published by State University of New York Press in September 2024.
唐俊峰現任海德堡大學博士後研究員,其研究興趣集中於中國古代的社會、政治、制度與史學史以及寫本文化。他此前在香港中文大學取得文學士與哲學碩士學位,並於2020年在海德堡大學取得哲學博士學位(漢學)。他的首部專著,State Power and Governance in Early Imperial China: The Collapse of the Qin Empire, 221–207 BCE(早期帝制中國的國家力量與治理:秦帝國的崩潰),將於2024年9月由紐約州立大學出版社出版。
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