The Chinese Origin of the Steamboat: Global Navigation and Lost Technology in Wang Tao’s Tales about Overseas Travel 蒸汽船的中源西流: 王韜域外遊故事中的環球航行與失傳科技

School of Chinese Seminar
The Chinese Origin of the Steamboat: Global Navigation and Lost Technology in Wang Tao’s Tales about Overseas Travel
蒸汽船的中源西流: 王韜域外遊故事中的環球航行與失傳科技
Dr. Wang Shengyu 王勝宇博士 (Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study)
Date: September 5, 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 pm
Venue: Room 7.30, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: English
Registration link:
This talk draws attention to neglected cases where late Qing fiction and modern transportation history converge. It examines some of the earliest Chinese stories about global travel by steamship, published by reformist thinker Wang Tao in the 1880s. Countering the conventional view that a didactic agenda underpins the stories’ frequent reference to Western learning, I underscore the allegorical significance of new technologies that are equally integral to the plot. My talk will particularly focus on Wang Tao’s characterization of the steamboat as a lost ancient Chinese invention, preserved and subsequently advanced by Westerners. Beyond contextualizing this fictional origin into late nineteenth-century discourses on the Sino-West relationship, I further relate it to a unifying force prevailing in the author’s vision of an ideal world, in order to offer new perspectives on the much-discussed issue of Wang Tao’s utopian fantasy. Through this talk, I aim to contribute to a fuller understanding of how late Qing fiction responds creatively to the interconnected challenges of an accelerating time-space compression and the collapse of a Sinocentric world order.
About the Speaker:
WANG Shengyu specializes in early modern Chinese literature and has research interests in the Chinese tradition of recording the strange, vernacular religions, visual culture, and translation studies. Holding a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago, he is presently a research fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study. His recent peer-reviewed publications were featured in international journals including Comparative Literature, T’oung Pao, Sunkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, and Folklore. He is the 2022 prize winner of Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Award.
王勝宇致力於古代文學的研究,重點關注的研究領域包括志怪傳奇、民間宗教、視覺文化和翻譯史。他從芝加哥大學比較文學系博士畢業, 目前在荷蘭高等研究院從事研究。他近期發表的同行評審論文刊登於《比較文學》、《通報》、《成均東亞研究》和《民俗學》等國際期刊。他於2022年度榮獲香港中文大學授予的宋淇翻譯研究論文紀念獎。
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