作為思維方式的歷史學——以契丹研究為例 History as A Way of Thinking: A Case Study of Khitan Research

This lecture is part of the School of Chinese RPg Student Conference on “History, Institutions, and Documents of Imperial China From the 10th to the 13th Century”
History as A Way of Thinking: A Case Study of Khitan Research
主講嘉賓 Speaker:Prof. Miao Runbo 苗潤博教授
主持人 Moderator:Prof. Ming Kin Chu 朱銘堅教授
日期 Date:17 January 2025 (Fri)
時間 Time:15:00pm – 16:30pm
語言 Language:Putonghua普通話
地點 Venue (UPDATED):KK102 (1/F, K.K. Leung Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Good historical research is like solving a detective case. In the eyes of ordinary people, history appears to be written, certain, and meant to be remembered. The only difference seems to be how much one knows or remembers. Therefore, historical records, especially the narratives in official documents, naturally imply the truth of history. However, for a good historian, historical narratives are likely crime scenes, with the truth hidden beneath layers of fragmented materials. Which material was deliberately arranged, and which inadvertently revealed clues? Which evidence was true, and which should be taken credibility? Is there any connection between seemingly unrelated cases, and should they be merged? Who was trying to deceive? How should one restart after turning over past conclusions? Such consciousness of problems corresponds to the fundamental requirements of historical study, which requires critical thinking and reflective reconstruction.
About the Speaker
Miao Runbo is Associate Professor of Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History and the Department of History in Peking University. His research mainly focuses on the history of Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties, the history of Chinese historiography and the historical document studies. His scholarly monographs include Exploring the Origins of the “History of Liao”, Clearing the Source of Historical Documents and the Path of Historiography, and Reconstructing the History of the Predynastic Khitan.
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