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[活動回放]Which Design? An Interactive Workshop on Language Program Evaluation






[Powerpoint Slide]


School of Chinese Scholar Workshop


Which Design?

An Interactive Workshop on Language Program Evaluation


Speaker: Prof. Paul GRUBA
(School of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Melbourne)
Moderator: Prof. Xiaofang YAO
(School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong)
Date: 5 March 2025 (Wed)
Time: 14:00pm - 16:00pm (HKT)
Language: English
Venue: CRT-7.30, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Meeting ID: 937 8622 3435
Password: 901785
Mode: Face-to-face & Online


Language programs are constantly changing, and a well-crafted evaluation can help ensure they remain effective, resilient and worthwhile. In this interactive workshop, we explore four major designs of program evaluation and discuss which may be the most suitable to your own situation. Is your language program beholden to a set of established standards, for example, or is it intended to serve the needs of a particular ethnic community? What is the role of technology? How much should aspects of social justice be taken into account? After we weave through questions, our focus turns to practical considerations of data collection, results interpretation, and the uptake of recommendation. The workshop concludes with suggestions for further research. 


About the Speaker:

Paul GRUBA is Associate Professor (Honorary) of the School of Languages and Linguistics, the University of Melbourne, Australia. Initially trained as a journalist, he was a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali (1983-85) before working as an English teacher in rural Japan for several years. He earned a MA(TESOL) from the University of California, Los Angeles with a focus on language assessment. After graduation, he developed language tests at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. While at the University of Melbourne, Paul had a range of academic interests including language assessment, second language listening, educational technology, and language program evaluation. He is author on How to Write a Better Thesis (Springer, 2014, co-author with David Evans & Justin Zobel), Sustainability of Blended Language Learning Programs: Technology Integration in English for Academic Purposes (Routledge, 2022, co-author with Cynthia Nicholas Palikat) and Designs for Language Program Evaluation (Springer, 2024).


1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom);
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration (Click HEREis requested.