From the Aristocrats’ Poetics, the Ceremonial Hosts’ Poetics, to the Philosophers’ Poetics: The Early Qin Poetics and Its Development

從王官詩學、行人詩學到諸子詩學: 先秦時期詩學及其發展進程
From the Aristocrats’ Poetics, the Ceremonial Hosts’ Poetics, to the Philosophers’ Poetics:
The Early Qin Poetics and Its Development
錢志熙教授 Professor Qian Zhixi
Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University;
Chang Jiang Scholar; Visiting Professor, School of Chinese, HKU
時間: 2016年11月11日(星期五), 下午5:30-6:45pm
地點: 香港大學百周年校園逸夫教學樓七樓730室
普通話演講 To be presented in Putonghua
The poetics of ancient China has undergone a long development. It became mature due to the establishment of music and poetry education as part of ancient China’s political and religious system. Scholar-officials therefore became the main establishers of Chinese poetics. The continuous poetry teaching and poetics from the Western Zhou (1046-771BC) to the Spring and Autumn Period (722BC-481BC) and Warring States Period (5th century BC-221BC) have laid the foundation of Chinese literature. This talk attempts to offer a preliminary periodization of the development of the early Qin poetics, examining its evolvement from the aristocrats’ poetics, the ceremonial hosts’ poetics, to the philosophers’ poetics. It aims to construct a history of development concerning the early Qin poetics, explain the unique status of the early Qin poetics in the overall development of ancient Chinese poetics, and delve into the factors that have attributed to its classic status.
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