One Tree Three Lives

One Tree Three Lives
Date 日期: 20 Apr 2018
Time 時間: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
7:00pm-8:40pm (Screening, Mandarin/Cantonese)
8:40pm-9:30pm (Dialogue in Mandarin)
Venue 地點:
Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師:
Ms.Angie Chen, Director
Mr. Liu Waitong, poet, writer and photographer
Moderator 主持:
Dr Lin Pei-yin,Associate Professor, HKU
For HKU students and staff
For alumni and public
Summary 內容:
One Tree Three Lives is an intimate film on the novelist Hualing Nieh Engle, who has been a major influence on generations of writers in the Chinese Diaspora, and beyond.
The film reveals a woman of unusual charisma, integrity and determination, and a person in continual exile. Interviews with 26 writers such as Mo Yin and Pai Hsien-yung present a lively variety of views and anecdotes.
Hualing Nieh Engle calls herself a tree, with roots in China, the trunk in Taiwan, and the many leaves in Iowa, USA. Born and raised in wartime China, she left Wuhan in 1949 for peace in Taipei, and then left for love in 1964 to the United States. She is the author of 24 books of fiction and non-fiction, which have been translated into various languages. Perhaps more importantly, she initiated the prestigious International Writing Program at the University of Iowa with her poet-husband Paul Engle – a world-renowned platform for writers since 1967, for which they were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976.
Bio of Speakers座談嘉賓:
Angie Chen has been making films since 1979. She was born in Shanghai, brought up in Hong Kong and Taiwan, received her MFA from UCLA, and lived in America for over more than a decade. Her first documentary, Der Besuch (The Visit, 1981), was about her father, and was filmed in Germany before her return to Hong Kong. After graduating, she returned to Hong Kong in the 1980s and directed several feature films followed, namely Maybe It’s Love (1984), My Name Ain’t Suzie (1985), and Chaos By Design (1988), before she became disillusioned with the possibilities of creating original and interesting work within the territory’s commercial industry. She turned to making commercials and publicity shorts before re-emerging as a documentary filmmaker nearly two decades after the release of her last commercial feature, with the intimate portrait This Darling Life (2008), the acclaimed biographical work on the novelist Hualing Nieh Engle, One Tree Three Lives (2012) and the latest lively documentary about the artist Yank Wong, I’ve Got the Blues (2017). This Darling Life nominated Best Documentary in the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards; One Tree Three Lives world premiered in the 2012 Hong Kong International Film Festival, and Asia-premiere in the 2012 Taipei Film Festival; and I’ve Got the Blues has won Best Feature Documentary (FFD) in 2017.
Liu Waitong is a poet, writer and photographer. He was born in Guangdong in 1975 and moved to Hong Kong in 1997. He has been awarded several literary prizes in Hong Kong and Taiwan, including the China Times Literary Award, the United Daily News Award, and the Hong Kong Arts Development Award for Best Artist (Literature).
林姵吟博士,現當代文學副教授,2012年開始在中文學院執教,此前曾在英國劍橋大學,倫敦大學,和新加坡國立大學任教,也曾任哈佛大學燕京學社訪問學者(2015-2016)及倫敦大學亞非學院博士後研究員。著有多篇關於現當代中文文學(尤其是台灣文學)的中、英文論文,也翻譯過數篇短篇小說,近期代表作為Colonial Taiwan: Negotiating Identities and Modernity through Literature (Brill, 2017)。
Dr Lin Pei-yin joined the School of Chinese, HKU in 2012. Prior to HKU, she was Lecturer in the Department of East Asian Studies, Cambridge, an assistant professor in the department of Chinese Studies of the National University of Singapore, and a part-time teacher and post-doctorate research fellow in modern Chinese literature at SOAS, University of London. She was a Harvard Yenching Visiting Scholar in 2015-2016. She has published widely on modern Chinese literature, with a focus on Taiwan. Her latest publication is Colonial Taiwan: Negotiating Identities and Modernity through Literature (Brill, 2017).