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Prof. TSE Yiu Kay 謝耀基教授

P/T Teaching Staff

Honorary Associate Professor

BA (HK), MPhil (HK), PhD (HK), CertEd (HK)



Rm 816, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Language, Society, and Culture, Lexical studies on classical works, Modern Chinese



Dr YK Tse, Associate Professor, teaches Chinese language and literature courses in the School of Chinese.  His research interests in recent years include the modern Chinese (grammar, lexicology and rhetoric), language from social and cultural perspectives, and lexical studies on classical works.  He has undertaken a number of funded research projects, and his research outcomes have been produced in form of conference paper, journal article, book chapter, book and CD rom.  Dr Tse has also been the supervisor and examiner of MPhil and PhD candidates, and served as the committee member, academic assessor, academic advisor, external examiner, moderator, journal article reviewer, book proposal referee and adjudicator, etc. for tertiary institutes, government bodies and community organizations.