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Prof. LEUNG Shuk Man 梁淑雯教授

Chinese Language and Literature Programme

Associate Professor & UG Programme Coordinator of HKGS

BA (HKBU), MA (CUHK), MPhil (HKBU), PhD (Lond)



Rm 853, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Cultural Cold War in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Literature, Late Qing Fiction, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Print Culture in Greater China

Date Title


Liminality, Chinese Nationalism, Place Identity: Cultural Revolution Discourse in Hong Kong’s Ming Pao.” Modern China (accepted for publication, forthcoming).


“Writing in Solidarity: Gu Cangwu, the Cultural Revolution and the Cold War.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 24.6 (December 2023). Available online first, DOI: 10.1080/14649373.2023.2265697


“Chinese Settler Colonialism and the Borderless National Imagination in Late Qing Utopian Fiction: A Case Study of Lü Sheng’s A Madman’s Dream.” Asian Studies Review 47.3 (January 2023): 500–517.


“Inscribing the Cultural Revolution in the Everyday: Lü Da, Wen Wei Po and the Question of Hong Kong Literary History.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 33.1 (Spring 2021), 34-86.


“Imagining a National/Local Identity in the Colony: The Cultural Revolution Discourse in Hong Kong Youth and Student Journals, 1966–1977,” Cultural Studies, Vol.34. 2, 317-340.


〈三種身份之三地情缘 :淺談刘以鬯主编的《國民公报》副刊〉(“On National Citizens Daily’s Literary Supplement by Liu Yichang”),《名作欣賞》(Masterpieces Review),Vol. 1 (2019), pp 47-53。


〈無法「把身體放下」:香港女作家韓麗珠小說中的身體書寫〉(“The Body in the Hong Kong Female Author Hon Lai Chu’s Novels”),《文藝爭鳴》(Contentions), Vol. 2 (February 2018), pp 7-13.


〈創傷、文革記憶及疾病修辭:論林斤瀾《十年十癔.五分》及余華《一九八六年》中的瘋癲書寫〉(“Trauma, Memories of the Cultural Revolution and Illness as a Literary Device: On the Writing of Madness in Lin Jinlan’s “Five Dollar Coin” in Ten Cases of Hysteria in Ten Years and Yu Hua’s ‘The Year 1986’”),《人文中國學報》 (Sino-Humanitas) Vol. 24, pp. 285-304.


“Madness in Southern China: Illness as Metaphor in Su Tong’s The Tale of the Siskins and ‘Madwoman on the Bridge’,” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, Vol. 13.1-2 (May 2016)pp. 45-62.


“The Public Sphere and Literary Journals: An Investigation of the Discursive Formation of New Fiction’s Utopian Imagination in Late Qing,” Comparative Literature Studies Vol. 51.4 (December 2014), pp.557-586.


2012,〈公共領域與文藝報刊:晚清烏托邦話語形成之考察〉 (“The Public Sphere and Literary Journals: An Investigation of the Discursive Formation of New Fiction’s Utopian Imagination in Late Qing”),《文藝理論研究》Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art Vol. 180 (January 2012), pp 128-137.